From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There are some great reports coming in of what God is doing in this hour...and I know it's still just a glimpse of what will be released.
We know the great harvest is at hand...and many are called to be a part of it.
Ella Onakoya is a powerful evangelist who loves sharing the Word of God to the Church, to strangers on the street, and everywhere in between. She is one who doesn't let an opportunity go by without someone near her hearing about Jesus and the salvation and healing made available through Him!
There is alway so much to learn from those who made history in Biblical days...and God is raising up many who will do the same...make history but in our day!
Just read this from Ella's latest article:
As we are in the hour of a great harvest of souls, there is an increase of anointing on Jeremiahs who have been called by the Lord to preach the Gospel. I see the fire of revival being released through these preachers of the Gospel. The Spirit of God had been incubating over them and it's a now time for the release of the fire of His Word that has been locked within them to be released through the preaching of the Gospel.
Be encouraged, for the harvest is ripe...let's preach the Gospel folks! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Generation of Jeremiahs with Fire in Their Bones!"
Ella Onakoya, London, United Kingdom
At a prophetic conference in London last year, I prophesied over a man telling him that I saw the prophetic call of Jeremiah all over him and that the Lord was going to bring a release of His voice through him that had felt like fire shut in his bones. The man was visibly moved by God and wept as the Lord touched him. Later that night he walked up to me to tell me that his name was Jeremiah. I had not known his identity or his name! The Lord, however, knew his name and the glorious destiny and call He had for him.
I felt impressed upon me to release this word—that there are many like that man with a Jeremiah-type of calling and that the Lord will bring a release to these voices and will not allow their voices to be shut down. These Jeremiahs are those with a calling from the Lord, some of whom have felt bound and unable to release the voice and message of the Lord freely.
I see a river of fire being released through these burning ones. They are people of all ages and genders, from various nations, who will release the fire long held within them through Spirit-led intercessory prayers, prophetic words, evangelism, and accompanied by great signs and wonders.
The Lord Gave These Words Regarding the Release of the Jeremiahs:
"I believe this woman represents many in this generation that the Lord has been preparing for such a time as this to carry the Gospel with fire to the ends of the earth." |
I feel an urgent mandate to call forth the Jeremiahs in the United Kingdom! As many would have heard and read, there have been a spate of attacks in the UK recently, with many young people killing each other. Gang violence has been rampant, where lives had been destroyed by guns and knives. I believe these young people have a destiny to release the fire in their bellies and in their bones to reach a multitude for Christ. However, the enemy has perverted that which God has planned for them, causing an unholy rage of destruction to be released through them.
About 10 years ago, the Lord gave me a dream where I saw... (continue reading)