From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We are truly living in historical times and exciting days...full of God's glory being released across the earth.
Just yesterday, we witnessed before our very eyes history being made, as the US Embassy in Israel officially moved to Jerusualem. The US has now officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel!
Faith Baczko writes a timely word for this hour about being faithful and obedient to the Lord, the great season of harvest being here...all coinciding with Israel's historical time as she shares:
In 2018, seventy years later, Billy Graham, one of the greatest evangelists of our time, passed into glory and Israel is celebrating her seventieth year of re-birth. The timing of these two events are no coincidence. For this occasion, God also put in place a president in the United States to set the world stage for harvest, and most significantly has moved the United States Embassy to Jerusalem in commemoration of Israel's 70th year. Heaven is acknowledging Israel's divine right to exist, marking Jerusalem as God's eternal capital and marking the beginning of the season of harvest.
So much has already unfolded for this year...and it's only May!
God bless you as you step out into the great harvest...and let's all bless and celebrate this historical time in Israel...the apple of God's eye! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Glory of Obedience, Waves of Harvest and Israel's Day"
Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
I have found that the walk of the Christian life is fraught with trials and testings on the journey in Christ that takes us from glory to ever increasing measures of God's glory. This has been my experience for over two decades of knowing and loving Christ. In the early years of my journey, during times of very deep testing of my faith, I had a tendency to fear and doubt God's comprehensive providence over my life.
As I pressed on and began to experience victories and triumphs, and developed a well-grounded relationship with the Lord, I had in my possession testimonies and stories of His faithfulness to look to for assurance. Now, when walking through hard situations and demonic attacks, a light of revelation flashes in my mind, that this too will pass, and I will come out on the resurrection side of His glory!
Struck Down But Not Destroyed
"The glory of God is about to descend in a fresh wave of evangelism released on the earth, and stadium gatherings prophesied by the prophets will begin to come to pass." |
Recently, after walking through a tough time, I received a spectacular revelation and understanding of a profound statement made by Paul:
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)
It is marvelous to possess a deep knowing in my heart, that I cannot be defeated, as the undefeatable One resides in me—to know that in Christ I am always victorious!
Recently, I have been hearing the voice of the Lord resounding in my spirit with the statement... (continue reading)