"The revolution here is from hierarchical to lateral power. That's the power shift. This shift is going to change the way we live, the way we educate our children, and the way we govern the world." ~Jeremy Rifkin <CLICK>

There are many gateways into the New Age belief system. Jeremy Rifkin concentrates on indoctrination through economic, environmental, and political issues. Jeremy Rifkin has been an advisor to the leadership of the European Union since 2000. He has advised three presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament, and numerous EU heads of state. Rifkin instructs CEOs and senior corporate management from around the world on global trends in science, technology, and commerce.
Full text of "A Planned Deception"
Pat Robertson's CBN and his 700 Club are popular ministries needing little or no introduction to the average reader ... Unfortunately, there are many points of Scriptural departure by this popular TV evangelist-cum-politician. While he has denied Biblical inerrancy, he has at the same time given important New Agers such as Jeremy Rifkin and Alvin Toffler access to his 30 million plus Christian viewing audience. ~Constance Cumbey's 'A Planned Deception' [pgs 148-149]
Pat Robertson's CBN and his 700 Club are popular ministries needing little or no introduction to the average reader ... Unfortunately, there are many points of Scriptural departure by this popular TV evangelist-cum-politician. While he has denied Biblical inerrancy, he has at the same time given important New Agers such as Jeremy Rifkin and Alvin Toffler access to his 30 million plus Christian viewing audience. ~Constance Cumbey's 'A Planned Deception' [pgs 148-149]
NOTE: Constance Cumbey (6:10 min video) was a native of Fort Wayne (IN) before she opened a law office in Detroit ... and she was one of several researchers around the world to first document the agenda of New Age orchestrators and the scope of their international influence.
New Age Journal magazine covers
The New Age Movement is a religion from beginning to end. Make no mistake. The New Age doctrines and dogma are all based in their plan, their "religion," which is a newly packaged and branded paganism.