From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a very thrilling read by Bill Yount and Andy Sanders, who wrote this article together.
I always enjoy reading testimonies of God confirming things from two to three witnesses about what He is'll see that as Bill and Andy share an awesome word about God's Clydesdales coming and what they represent:
God is coming in power this time, and the greater the burdens and loads on the Body of Christ, the stronger the delivering power (Clydesdales) will be. These horses are so powerful that I believe they represent angelic horses in God's army. They are coming with, "Power, power, wonder-working power in the Blood of the Lamb."
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"A Vision of God's Clydesdale Horses Bringing Breakthrough, Strength and New Oil!"
Bill Yount, Hagerstown, MD and Andy Sanders, Syracuse, NY
Note: This article was co-written by Bill and Andy. The parts that are marked with their names are their testimonies; the unmarked sections were jointly written.
Bill: I flew to New York recently on an early flight for ministry, and went to check in at a hotel at 6:45 am. The person at the counter said, "You are too early for a normal room. We are going to give you an upgraded suite and not charge any extra for it." As I stepped into the suite, the presence of the Lord was so strong that I was speechless. I am so used to doing warfare in hotel rooms to cleanse them when I enter, but I didn't need to because there was no reason for it. I said, "Lord, what is going on with this room? Nothing is in this room but You." He answered, "Someone has gone before you on this, and it's just Me and you." Since I arrived a day early, I was in His glory room all day before the meetings started. God took the heavy burden of pre-warfare away and made it extremely easy to minister that weekend.
The Clydesdales Are Coming!
"God is serious in these days about getting us help and making us whole. Where there's oil, there's spoil!" |
This reminded me of the power and supernatural ability of a Clydesdale horse. If you had access to the strength of a horse for just one day, how much more could you accomplish? How many breakthroughs would be discovered if angelic-like Clydesdales took over for you?
God is coming in power this time, and the greater the burdens and loads on the Body of Christ, the stronger the delivering power (Clydesdales) will be. These horses are so powerful that I believe they represent angelic horses in God's army. They are coming with, "Power, power, wonder-working power in the Blood of the Lamb."
Here's why they have arrived: Clydesdales are a heavy horse, a powerful breed, used for bringing major results. Commonly, Clydesdales are Scottish workhorses weighing in at around one ton. Historically, Clydesdales are also outstanding warhorses because of their height and strength. They are often more than six feet tall. In pulling power, they can normally pull around eight thousand pounds for short lengths and four hundred or so pounds for several hours a day. These superior traits mean they are able to get into certain places other horses can't because the other horses don't have the strength and stamina to do so. Also, Clydesdales are normally very calm, even in times of battle. What's interesting is that Clydesdales have been known to remain extremely docile in very loud and hostile surroundings.
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." (Isaiah 40:29 NIV)
You may think, "I am so weak." To quote the Hillsong Worship song, What the Lord Has Done in Me: "Let the weak say, 'I am strong.' Let the poor say, 'I am rich.'" Don't count God's might out of your equation. The Lord is giving a break in our battles of life. We can get so used to mental warfare that we need to get our minds renewed and back into the mind of Christ.
Restoration begins with... (continue reading)