| | | Are You Encouraged Like I Am? Then Let Me Give You a Personal Word... Dear Friends of Elijah List Ministries, Even though you and I still have life issues to deal with, I've probably never felt this encouraged! God is on the move! Prophecy Coming True...Before Our Very Eyes! Because of your partnering with us, from all over the earth, we've been able to prophesy about the coming booming economy and the fall of the evil regime of North Korea (some prophets have said they've seen Kim Jong-un getting saved).  The president has announced that the U.S. Embassy will be moved to Jerusalem, and he has just announced that because Iran has threatened both the USA and Israel, we will no longer support the previous administrations' agreement with Iran. These have all been prophesied about! And you helped us get these words out from the prophets to the whole earth. Did you know that we even have a governor, a senator and many involved in the government who read the Elijah List every day? Do you see why I'm so encouraged? But there's more and before we're done, the Lord has a personal word that I am to decree over you. So, stay with me... | | Here's a Word About Your Family Members... We've all been hearing from the prophets for YEARS that God is about to bring the prodigals home. We've all prayed for close family members about this very thing, and even for distant relatives who don't know Jesus. Well, I'm here to tell you that not only is this about to happen, it's happening now! I've prayed for so many hours for years for my own family members and suddenly, there is movement...there is "revival in the air" just as the prophets have been decreeing. That means it's time for your family members (and friends too) to get revived and/or saved!  Whatever you do, don't stop praying. No matter what it looks like, the devil is on the run, but he doesn't want you to see that. He's HIDING the fact that your relatives and loved ones are just about to turn toward the Lord. Turn your prayers UP and begin to thank God for what He is doing among your "very lost" friends and relatives! But no matter how good it looks, I want you to see something again that is in the Lord's heart! Like me, you've certainly prayed for a number of relatives, but when ONE of them repents, that should be enough, right? Wrong! Luke 15:4, "What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?" I'm aware of a serious situation where a mother has "lost" half of her many kids. Finally, after years of praying, only one of them came back to her. While she was filled with rejoicing, her joy was not complete because others were still lost out there. God is like that. When He brings ONE of your loved ones back, His joy is full but not complete, as there are other lost sheep. Don't accept only one family member getting saved. Pray until they all come back because that is what the Lord desires of us in prayer! | | God is really moving FAST to confirm how much favor He is placing on our ELIJAHSTREAMS television program. We have filmed many interviews and we are rapidly adding more. Those we have filmed include such special guests as: Dutch Sheets, James Goll, Kat Kerr, Jennifer Eivaz, Justin and Abi Stumvoll, John Mark Pool, and many more. As soon as we have enough programs finished, edited and ready, we have THREE BROADCASTING NETWORKS who are vying for our programming-they want it NOW! We will likely try to be on all three channels as they serve different audiences. Open Doors to "Go into All the World"  It's amazing how doors flung open for this ministry last July, as I was suddenly speaking at Harvard University, sponsored by the Harvard Faculty Club. God told me 5-6 years ago, that I would be speaking at Harvard and suddenly last year, it happened! Yes, I was speaking to a real, worldly and most likely unsaved crowd, and I LOVED it and GOD LOVED IT. Jesus said, "Go into ALL the world." That includes the Harvard world! This last year, with your help, we have purchased multiple cameras and lots of recording equipment. Now we are finally building out our studio. The next time I write, we'II be showing you the completed pictures of a close-to-finished studio. We are only 3-4 weeks from our finished studio, which will make you proud! Now, every day, people from around the globe read articles or watch videos from Elijah List Ministries, which are sent to nearly 300,000 email addresses who have asked to hear from us. (That probably includes you!) We now have 3 foreign language translations of our prophetic words: Spanish, French and German. And as of this writing, we are closing the negotiations on a KOREAN-LANGUAGE addition that will be ready, not only for South Korea-but also for North Korea, the moment that door opens...and it's going to be very soon now! God's Favor on ElijahStreams! James Goll prophesied to me this year, that even as God's favor will remain on us with THE ELIJAH LIST, what God is totally "breathing on" is the television ministry of the new ELIJAHSTREAMS program. Plus, this year, I've received multiple confirming words that GOD IS DOING THIS with this ministry and moving us into our own television show. We are beyond grateful for your support! | HERE'S A PERSONAL "NOW" WORD FOR YOU! |
As I sat preparing to write this personal letter to you, I was clearly reminded by the Lord to tell you this as a PERSONAL WORD for this season, especially during these next THREE MONTHS... A Personal Prophecy and Warning-Not to Be Offended! Spoken by Chuck Pierce on April 8, 2018: Note by Steve Shultz: Many of you have heard me say that, "When Chuck Pierce prophesies, 'I LISTEN!"' I want you to listen to this personal word...TO YOU! Chuck Pierce says: You've got to shift your desires if you're going to come and accomplish what Father wants right now. What He told Peter is: You are being bent. And see, 2018 is about "standing up straight. " And the word OFFENSE means: You're being "bent over and stumbling at a key moment when you should be standing straight and standing strong." So, there is a danger now and a warning this week: not to be offended—and not to be offended over the next 3—/ would have to say 3 months. Be careful that your offense is not aligned with some emotion that you've not dealt with. Steve Shultz, "I have the fear of the Lord regarding taking offense over the next 3 months. I plan to take this word seriously and profit by doing so. I hope you'II do this with me. Let's listen to the prophets and prosper." Let's Launch into the Deep-Together! Right now, today-Derene and I have a personal and special request for you, our readers and viewers: Would you consider partnering with us at Elijah List Ministries in your giving? It's what we need to launch the next phase of the ministry-onto at least 3 broadcast channels. During this spring and summer season, and as part of your yearly giving, would you help us "launch out into the deep" in 2018? That's what I hear God saying to us: this is our year to totally launch into the deep things of the Spirit with Elijah List Ministries. If you are built-up and blessed by this ministry, would you stop right now and make your best financial gift to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES? It's completely tax-deductible, and with your gift, you are LITERALLY GOING INTO ALL THE WORLD WITH US TO SHARE THE GOSPEL! That means you share in the reward with us in spreading the Gospel with an emphasis on God's prophetic Words for TODAY! | Click here to donate with PayPal. | | Click here to donate by credit card or eCheck. | | Derene and I love you DEARLY and we pray for you all DAILY! Bless you in Christ,  Steve and Derene Shultz Founders of Elijah List Ministries | | | |  | |  | May 29, 2018 | | | | | |