From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I think many of you will easily relate to this latest article from Jennifer Martin.
There are seasons when the waiting seems long and we wonder why we've walked through challenge after challenge, while obeying the Lord and not seeing the desired breakthrough or promises fulfilled.
You will feel truly enlightened and receive a clear understanding as you read through Jennifer's article. I'm not going to give it way...but here's a snippet:
It seems as though God does not hear or has turned His face from you. You wonder if you have done something wrong, or maybe you have unrepented sin somewhere that you know not of? Could it be something else? If it is any of these things, then God please forgive us for grieving Your Spirit. But if your heart is convinced before God that there is nothing between you and Him, then what is it?
Find out some great answers as you read on...and get ready to make some powerful declarations unto the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Be Found Faithful in the Fire! Double Reward is Yours!"
Jennifer Martin, Nashville, TN
There is a time when the pressing in on every side becomes so intense that you feel as though you will faint. The trial of your faith has arrived and it has not let up. You feel crushed in your spirit, distressed with little hope, and persecuted at every turn. Many days you spend weeping before God, asking, "How long Lord? When will I be delivered from this affliction?"
"You will restore the joy, redeem the time, and give me peace." |
It seems as though God does not hear or has turned His face from you. You wonder if you have done something wrong, or maybe you have unrepented sin somewhere that you know not of? Could it be something else? If it is any of these things, then God please forgive us for grieving Your Spirit. But if your heart is convinced before God that there is nothing between you and Him, then what is it?
Are You Thinking This Right Now? If So, Make These Powerful Declarations Before the Lord!
Are these the thoughts running through your head? "Lord, why do I feel tested and tried? Do I not have grace and mercy before You, O Lord? Your ways are above mine! So I don't know why I am here or how long, but I know this: I will be found faithful through it all. You will watch me believe. You will watch me stand."
Declare with me today: "Your ways are above mine, past finding out, so I don't know why I am here or how long, but I know this: I will be found faithful through it all. You will watch me believe. You will watch me stand.
"When You look at me Lord, You will see me praising You. When You turn Your gaze to me, You will see me trusting You. I believe in You, because I know You. I know You are just and true and faithful to deliver me – maybe not in the time that I want, maybe not according to my will, but let Your will be done in me. If these trials are working in me a much greater glory, a much greater gold, a precious treasure, then I... (continue reading)