From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As I look at my life, I would categorize myself as a risk-taker.
I know, because I've gotten in trouble when I went too far with my risks...and in my youth I had some big financial losses because I took too big of a risk.
But even with the risk-taker mentality I have, I can find myself NOT WILLING to take a risk when the risk is TRUSTING GOD or HAVING FAITH, no matter how big of a crisis my life is in.
God is asking us to TRUST HIM, NO MATTER WHAT!
And with that, I'll let YOU read this very important word by Robert Henderson. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's FINAL JEOPARDY! Will We Seize the Supernatural Opportunity?"
Robert Henderson, Midlothian, TX
Most people in America would be familiar with the long running television game show called "JEOPARDY" with host Alex Trebek. The show's concept is that an "answer" is stated and the contestants then respond with the "question". For instance, the "answer" might be: "This man was the first president of the United States." The correct response would be, "Who is George Washington?" Each correct response allows the contestants to increase in money and earnings. Each incorrect response causes players to lose the money. The person with the most money wins the game.
"I believe one of the keys to winning in this time is to ask the right questions." |
The game is broken up into three rounds, Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy and Final Jeopardy. Each round increases in money value so that as the game progresses hopefully more and more money is accumulated. The "Final Jeopardy" round is where the players can risk up to all of their money to try and win the game.
A Prophetic Dream—It's Time to Stretch and Risk!
In a very prophetic dream I had I was watching as three players were in the Final Jeopardy round of the game. I watched as each player made their wager and gave their answers. Each player got the answer correct. However, the last player who gave their response risked the most money and therefore won the game.
As I awoke I was aware that the Lord was speaking. He said to me, "In the Church and the world we have entered a season of Final Jeopardy." (I am not speaking of some "end time" theology but rather a season and period in the spirit where clear decisions must be made.) In Final Jeopardy, it is the stage of the game where not only is it important to get the right answer, but the risk taken must be sufficient to win. Whoever takes the biggest risk, wins. The Lord is challenging us and stretching us to move in faith in these seasons. Even in the face of danger, are we willing to believe Him and His Word?
Crisis OR Opportunity?
I was aware that the word "crisis" from the Latin can mean, "dangerous opportunity". In these times of dangerous opportunities we must not shrink back. Hebrews 10:37-38 tells us...(continue reading)