Todd Bentley's ministry is all about harvest and revival...he has seen many healed and saved in revival meetings...and really, we've seen nothing yet!
In his latest article, Todd describes what he saw coming and starts out with these potent questions:
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What will the last days' message at the end of age be? Is there an eternal and everlasting Gospel? When and what is the harvest at the end of the age?
"The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels." (Matthew 13:39)
I was recently praying in my hotel room in Rochester, in upstate New York. This is an amazing well of revival harvest where almost all of upstate New York was saved through Charles Finney, the leader in the Second Great Awakening, who preached there for many years.
During a time in the city here, I had an angelic visitation out of Revelation 14:6: "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people."
This is a new understanding of the revelation and power of the Kingdom message. This is the apostolic message of the hour.
Biblical Revelation in this Season
There are three main points and some exciting revelations being released concerning the season we are entering and some end-time stuff. Thinking about Revelation 14—there are three parts of the harvest at the end of the age movement.
We read in Chapter 14 in Revelation:
1. The revelation of the Lamb and His song that will stand on Mount Zion.
2. The Gospel will be restored in the last days by angelic ministry (see Revelation 14:6 above).
3. The Son of Man will harvest the earth—the sheep nation and goat nation. This will be the harvesting of all seeds sown in the earth!
The Jesus Anointing!
The great end-time apostolic message we are going to preach will be the revelation of Jesus Christ (see Revelation 1:1). We are about to see a greater understanding of the eternal and everlasting Gospel and how to preach it.
One great example of the eternal Gospel is that it was the first apostolic Gospel preached! The demonstration of the Kingdom is the manifestation of His power! The message of the everlasting Gospel is essentially that which has been proclaimed since God's earliest dealings with man, namely, God is sovereign and true happiness comes to those who recognize His sovereign right in the earth.
And there's more. There is an everlasting covenant relationship with the Redeemer. We are His brothers and sisters, joint heirs of His Kingdom. He writes our names down in Heaven. He prepares a place for us in His Father's house. And He will come for us one day!
Our bodies will rise from... (continue reading)