| | | TO SUBSCRIBE to Amazing Health Advances, Click HERE! | June 13, 2018 | A Personal Note From Steve To Elijah List Readers Dear Elijah List Readers, I'm very excited about our newest separate free email list, called: AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES! As one of our readers, you know the quality we put into our publications. And with that let me say for most of my life, I've had a very strong interest in the latest and greatest health advances that medical science is making or even stumbling into! That's what AHA is all about... letting you, the reader know about many of these MEDICAL ADVANCES as they are published when they are hot off the press. Beyond that you'll read about other NATUROPATHIC ADVANCES the orthodox medical publications may not carry. I LOVE THE NATUROPATHIC SCIENCES AND SO WILL YOU. Now, to whet your appetite, check out one of our great email postings just below! So let me say it this way, "Please, if you have even the tiniest interest in your health, quickly subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES You will NOT BE SORRY! http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe As my way of thanking you for doing that, you and all new subscribers will receive (free of charge) the PDF e-book titled "Healed! Present Day Stories of Divine Healing and How It Happens" by Andy & Cathy Sanders. These are incredible and miraculous stories on healing, some of which have been written by some of our own Elijah List writers. You will receive the link to download this e-book in the welcome email you will receive within a few moments after you subscribe to "Amazing Health Advances", so make sure your email address is entered correctly! Let's get started! Again, to subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES, or go to: http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe Steve Shultz, Founder, The Elijah List Breaking Christian News Want to Remember Your Dreams Better? |  | News Staff In a study, the vitamin did not affect the vividness, bizarreness or color of their [study subjects] dreams, and did not affect other aspects of their sleep patterns. It is also believed that “lucid dreaming” could even help lessen the frequency of nightmares, treat certain phobias, and even rehabilitate from physical trauma. (Australia) – Ever find yourself waking up from an exciting dream, but later struggling to remember exactly what occurred? A new study finds that taking vitamin B6 regularly before going to bed helps people remember what they dreamt the next day. Researchers from the University of Adelaide say increasing your B6 intake can be as simple as eating more foods that have higher concentrations of the vitamin, or heading to your local pharmacy for a bottle of B6 pills. The study’s authors believe higher doses of the vitamin could potentially lead a person to experience lucid dreaming. “This is the first time that such a study into the effects of vitamin B6 and other B vitamins on dreams has been carried out on a large and diverse group of people,” says research author Dr. Denholm Aspy in a news release. “Our results show that taking vitamin B6 improved people’s ability to recall dreams compared to a placebo... Read more here. | |
| Mike Dorstewitz “Daily participation in intellectual activities was associated with a significantly lower risk of dementia several years later independent of other health behaviors, physical health limitations, and sociodemographic factors.” -- JAMA Reading and engaging in other intellectual pursuits may help prevent dementia, a study published Wednesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests. Researchers studied 15,582 dementia-free people age 65 years or older living in Hong Kong for a median period of five years. During that period, the participants were asked about... Read more here. | |
| News Staff “Our results definitely suggest that a diet specifically incorporating Triphala along with these probiotics will promote a long and healthy life." -- Satya Prakash, professor of biomedical engineering at McGill's Faculty of Medicine (Canada) – You are what you eat. Or so the saying goes. Science now tells us that we are what the bacteria living in our intestinal tract eat and this could have an influence on how well we age. Building on this, McGill University scientists fed fruit flies with a combination of probiotics and an herbal supplement called Triphala that was able to prolong the flies' longevity by 60 % and protect them against chronic diseases associated with aging. The study, published in Scientific Reports, adds to a growing body of evidence of the influence that gut bacteria can have on health. The researchers incorporated a symbiotic - made of probiotics with a polyphenol-rich supplement - into the diet of fruit flies... Read more here. | | |
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