From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure appreciate prophetic voices like Charlie Shamp who have taken a bold stand in this nation and other nations as well. He is certainly becoming a great prophetic voice to this generation and is quite accurate in his words.
As we have just witnessed another historic week in the news, we wanted to send out this powerful encouragement by Charlie which he just released on June 7. In this article Charlie shares this awesome word of the Lord:
I heard the Lord speak, "I have extended an olive branch of peace to the United States of America and will extend Donald Trump's presidency into a second term by the power of My right hand. What I have done in the White House will happen with every 'branch' of government in the United States for I will pull out corruption and plant trees of righteousness that will bear much fruit.
Saints, read this prophetic exhortation over our nation and our government, and let's continue to lift up our leaders in prayer! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Tsunami Wave Over the Nation! Trees Planted and Uprooted in the White House!"
Charles Shamp, Nashville, TN
I was recently in prayer and was taken into a vision in the spirit. I looked and saw these deep-seated, old roots of corruption in the foundation of the White House.
In the vision, the White House appeared to be shaped like a very old tree with its branches withering. Suddenly, the hand of the Lord came and pulled it from the ground. Another White House was put in its place, one where its roots revealed righteousness and peace. The hand of the Lord planted it into rich soil and it began to flourish. Its branches contained beautiful fruit. As I looked at this tree, it seemed to be an olive tree.
Trees in the White House
I was again lifted up and taken to the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Supreme Court where I saw them all uprooted and replaced with new trees where the foundations were righteousness and peace. They too began to flourish and bear fruit and appeared to be olive trees with multicolored fruit. (Photo via Unsplash)
I heard the Lord speak, "I have extended an olive branch of peace to the United States of America and will extend Donald Trump's presidency into a second term by the power of My right hand. What I have done in the White House will happen with every 'branch' of government in the United States for I will pull out corruption and plant trees of righteousness that will bear much fruit.
"Even now, the ax is laid to the root of... (continue reading)