From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There is no doubt that great transitions and shifts are here. I've heard from more and more people that God is calling them to birth new things, move to new places, and expand their ministries and callings.
Yes, the Kingdom is expanding!
I really encourage you to read this word by Holly Watson about the apostolic shift that is here:
An apostolic shift is in the works! Just like the apostles impacted the world around them to change the culture among them, this generation requires a stand-out breed of people who sets the world on fire with the passion, anointing, and power of the Holy Ghost. How we identify apostles and apostolic hubs is changing. A new, cutting-edge apostolic generation, coupled with the wisdom from the generals of the faith, is about to explode onto the scene! Even now, God is raising up mold-breakers and era-shifters who radically turn the world upside down and inside out for Jesus (Acts 17:6). is your time to shift into the new in all God wants to do! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A New Apostolic Edge is Coming to the Church!"
Holly Watson, Costa Mesa, CA
Recently while I was in prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "A new apostolic edge is coming to the Church!"
An apostle is one of the 5-fold Office ministry gifts given by Jesus. In Ephesians 4:11-12, Paul writes of the impartation of grace Jesus affords to those He calls into ministry service. One of those gifts and graces is an apostle. The Greek word for apostle is apostolas. Apostolas in Strong's dictionary means: a delegate; an appointed ambassador of the Gospel; a messenger who is sent by God to build, equip, and advance the Kingdom of God.
Jesus assigns men and women with special graces to accomplish His will upon the earth. As New Testament Believers, the working of the 5-fold office gifts in unity, holds the keys to how the Spirit of the Lord is moving through the Church in this hour. When the apostles fulfilled their mandate to go into all the world and preach the Gospel upon the fulfillment of Jesus' resurrection, many came into the Kingdom through the power of the Holy Spirit working through the lives of the apostles (Acts 4:33, Mark 16:15).
The apostles built the New Testament Church on the foundation of Jesus Christ as being the Chief Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). Apostles are empowered with the miraculous working power of the Holy Spirit to change and transform the world around them (Acts 5:12)! (Photo via Unsplash)
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ..." (Ephesians 4:11-12)
A New Wineskin for a New Era
A new wineskin is being birthed in the apostolic and prophetic movement. There's a cutting-edge remnant who are bold for reformation and fiercely on fire for Jesus! As the world gets darker and the earth groans with the birth pains of labor, an arising of this remnant with sharp revelatory and visionary skills (using leading-edge technology to advance the Kingdom) are spearheading a modern-day move of the Holy Spirit.
A new wave of the Spirit of God, through this cutting-edge apostolic remnant, is moving through places of worship to re-identify old apostolic structures. The glory of God is resting on these consecrated ones to bring revelation light and new life to a sleeping Bride. Where old wineskins are in need of a fresh impartation of Holy Ghost power, this cutting-edge move of the Spirit is breathing new life into hungry, dry and weary souls. The apostolic and prophetic movement are getting a fresh wind behind their sails! Just like Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding...(continue reading)