From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As many celebrate Father's Day today around the globe, it can be a joyous day and a disheartening day for I know there are those of you who didn't have a good earthly father or didn't have one in your life at all.
BUT we have an incredible heavenly Father who loved you and chose you to be with Him before you were born!
"For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will..." (Ephesians 1:4-5).
Prophet Wendy Alec shares a very vulnerable and transparent testimony in this article we are posting today. I pray her story touches you and brings you closer to the One who has loved you before you were born!
Many thanks to all the amazing Fathers today...May God richly bless you this day! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Conversation with My Abba Father"
Wendy Alec, London, UK
Beautiful hearts, when I saw in one of the responses to a recent post of mine, that one of our treasured princess warriors had been running away from the Lord, I knew I had to post this article below, as I had such a prompting to post it from "the Father".
Oh Father, let it comfort hearts just as You comforted my heart when I was running away from You because I didn't understand Your ways in the long winter season. Promotion is in sight! It's right at your door beloved one.
Hiding from the Father
I had been hiding from the Father. For the past three and a half years, I had been flinging myself totally on His mercy and His fellowship. After such intense trauma, it was as though I was stuck in a "no man's land". Where miracles used to come thick and furiously, it was as though I was trapped in an eternal winter. I had done everything possible to heal, receiving so much prayer, repenting for generational lines, and getting deliverance. My nature is to get help when needed – to run towards healing and ministry and I had done that.
"Oh, we make Him so proud, beloved. Even in our childish humanity and besetting sins that sometimes so easily entangle us." |
Part of my calling, in the office of the prophet, is that God uses me as "Exhibit A". This often means that what I experience is where many of the Body of Christ are at that exact time. I knew firsthand that there were so very many of God's champions – prophetic intercessors, prophets, and seers – who had been experiencing intense loss and trauma. They were in the valley of the shadow...the wilderness.
I had stood for so long, with seemingly little hope or breakthrough, that I finally found myself literally running away from the Father. Deep, deep inside I knew that it was because I had cried so many tears and that I was hurting badly, really badly. I didn't understand why my beloved, adored Father God – my beloved ABBA, who I had such a history with – hadn't come to my rescue.
So I did what I did when I was a teenager...I ran away. I deliberately avoided Him. When I wasn't working toward the huge deadline from my publishers on book five of Chronicles, I would escape into sleep and thankful oblivion, or watching hours of television, which I hadn't done for years. So I knew that the answers weren't to be just for me, but for so many who were going through this strange, intensive time of a seeming unending wilderness.
Forgiving God?
I would wake up in the morning...(continue reading)