Dear Reader,
Tiredness happens to most of us who’re over 65 years.
Just a few years ago, you could walk to the park, or to the grocers, or to your friend’s house around the corner, and come back without feeling tired and exhausted.
But nowadays, let alone getting back, even getting to where you need to go seems to be an effort.
And once you reach there, you may need to sit down for a while to catch your breath and recover your stamina.
The distances have not changed. The slope of the road has not changed. Yet the same task that you used to do so very easily now seems to take double the effort.
And like many of us, you too might just brush it off as a normal part of aging that you have to live with.
This is not true.
Your weakness has little to do with your age, and more importantly, you do not have to live with it.
The real cause of your tiredness is your weakening heart.
And the reason your heart is getting weak is because of the deficiency of an important ‘heart vitamin.’
In an in-hospital study, when patients added this ‘heart vitamin’ to their regular medications, 80% supported their heart muscles, and became more active and independent.
This ‘heart vitamin’ is normally produced by your body. However, the production decreases gradually from your late twenties, creating a deficiency by the time you are in your sixties.
But this deficiency can easily be rectified.
Once this simple deficiency is addressed, your heart can get back to its normal active self and do its core job of supplying oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all the cells in your body.
And when that happens, not only will your weakness and tiredness go away, it can help you:
- Improve your heart health
- Keep your metabolism revved up
- Boost brain health (better memory, sharper thinking)
- Enhance your immune system
- And more...
Read Here to see how this ‘heart vitamin’ can help boost your heart health, your energy levels, and your overall health.
Yours in Good Health,

Victor Marchione, M.D.
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