From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We have received quite a few words about this being a season of acceleration in the Body of Christ.
As we are now into our next half of the year, let's not lose sight of all God still wants to do...and how He IS a God of His word
Christy Johnston of Australia shares here:
On the first day of this year the Father spoke loud and clear to my heart, He said, "This year will be a year of acceleration." By all outward appearances, it might appear that your year has gone in reverse rather than moving forward. I feel the burning deep in my spirit that the next six months are a time of momentum and acceleration. Where it seems as though you have gone backward, you are about to be catapulted faster and further than you could have moved in your own strength.
Be encouraged in the acceleration and momentum God is bringing your way! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Next Six Months Will Be a Movement of Acceleration and Momentum"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
I heard the Father say that there is significant MOMENTUM for the last six months of 2018. This word, "momentum" has been highlighted to me on a regular basis as of late, and I believe the Holy Spirit is breathing this word prophetically over us right now.
I see Him increasing momentum over the Body of Christ as we move into a time of acceleration, both individually and as a whole Church. On the first day of this year the Father spoke loud and clear to my heart, He said, "This year will be a year of acceleration." By all outward appearances, it might appear that your year has gone in reverse rather than moving forward. I feel the burning deep in my spirit that the next six months are a time of momentum and acceleration. Where it seems as though you have gone backward, you are about to be catapulted faster and further than you could have moved in your own strength.
You Are Being Catapulted
"BUT GOD was the weighty mass that devoured their enemies in the sea of redemption." |
I began a simple study of this word "momentum" which led me to an unexpected discovery. I have heard this word used a lot but never truly understood the depth of its meaning or its origin. Momentum is a physics word. It defines the quantity of motion that an object has. This term is not only used in the physics world, but also in the sports world. A team that has the momentum is a team that is moving and it is going to be a significant challenge to stop the momentum of the team's movement. Their moving force together creates an unstoppable velocity of their combined mass.
Momentum is described as "mass in motion." In other words, the greater the mass of a team, the greater their momentum and movement will be. In my word study, I came across a video that describes a physics law called "linear momentum." In the video, a man is holding a basketball with a small tennis ball balancing on top. He drops the basketball and tennis ball as one, and when the basketball hits the ground and bounces back up, the momentum of its weight and velocity collide with the tennis ball, catapulting it into the sky like a rocket.
Faster and Easier
The video then describes how when the two collide, the mass weight of the basketball and its subsequent velocity causes the tennis balls momentum to advance beyond what its own weight could have sent it. As soon as I saw this, the presence of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me as He spoke to my heart, "I am carrying My... (continue reading)