From the desk of Steve Shultz:
In the past, Chuck Pierce prophesied much to the Body of Christ, and he alone did so.
In the last year or two, he has allowed the prophetic spirit to have freedom in the place where he ministers and when that happens, Chuck has several trusted prophetic voices prophesy with him.
When that happens, these prophecies are recorded and transcribed and they come out initially under Chuck's name, but Chuck then lists the people who prophesy at that time.
When I see these, I take these prophecies as coming from Chuck himself, because he allows these to come out at the same time he prophesies.
I would exhort the reader to receive these prophecies as if they came from Chuck himself because that is how Chuck is publishing them. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"A New Day! A New Anointing! A New War!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
Dear Advancing Ones:
The heavens opened last Sunday (July 1st), and the Lord began to release the following word. As I began to flow in prophecy, the Spirit of Prophecy also began to move on LeAnn Squier, Tobias Lyons, Marty Cassady and Anne Tate. Please read this prophecy carefully.
Take New Ground and Come into My Order!
"This is a day that I'm calling My people to take new ground. New ground is calling you, so listen carefully as I give you the very boundaries of your future. I've been working in you, but now I'm calling you into a place you've not been before.
"This is a time for the impartation for war! I am imparting war into My people, and one generation will teach another generation to war. Shift now to know and understand your place for days ahead; shift now to hear your boundaries for days ahead. I am repositioning My people and getting them in place for the war ahead.
"You must come into My order and express and demonstrate who I am. This is not a day for you to go your own way; this is a day for you to listen intently and align yourself. I am creating boundaries for you and causing generations to align, for war is being transferred from Heaven into earth.
"I've set angels in every corner and established every border of your field. Listen for the wind over your field and look for a new yield. I am setting My order for you and calling you to understand the way I move in order. I am calling you into a first alignment for the days ahead. (Photo via Unsplash)
"This is a time to listen and know that the way is changing. Don't settle for anything less than the boundaries I have established. Don't settle for anything less than what I have given you this hour.
"I am calling you to be land-clearers. I am calling you to begin to understand how to clear the land for the future and how to make way for the highways that I am bringing from Heaven into the earth realm. This is a change and a transfer of a new day into the earth realm, and this day will cause you to triumph in conflict if you will... (continue reading)