From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We're posting a couple of great articles today on this 4th of July...this one by Diane Lake and another by Bob Blase. They both speak of what God is doing in our nation.
Diane Lake shares some awesome revelation the Lord gave her as He is birthing a new move in our nation!
Diane says this about our nation:
Since President Trump's election to office, we have seen this nation honor Israel, regain a level of international respect, and we've seen him take a public stand for righteousness on issues like abortion and more. Let's keep interceding for a continued return to many of the foundational principals that result in "blessing" which our nation was founded upon. It's just time to see America go to the top, and the next step will be flames of awakening and revival!
As we are about to go through the process of electing a new Supreme Court's an important time to keep praying and for God's Spirit of Wisdom to rest on our nation's leaders! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Celebrating July 4th and Birthing the New Move of God!"
Diane Lake, Missoula, MT
The Birth of a Nation
Celebrating the 4th of July to me is like celebrating the birth of our nation. Also known as Independence Day, this US holiday commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Two days earlier, on July 2, the Continental Congress voted to declare that the thirteen American colonies considered themselves to be a new nation – the United States of America – independent from the British Empire. After two days spent debating and revising the wording, the historic document was signed. From 1776 until now, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence – or the birth of our nation.
Like many prophetic Believers, I greatly desire to see our nation come into its full and complete God-ordained destiny, and to see revival and awakening catch fire across the nation.
Recently, I felt the Lord gave me insight into the link between those who carry the burden of prayer and action to see this happen, and the forefathers instrumental to the birth of our nation... (continue reading)