| | | TO SUBSCRIBE to Amazing Health Advances, Click HERE! | July 13, 2018 | A Personal Note From Steve To Elijah List Readers Dear Elijah List Readers, I'm very excited about our newest separate free email list, called: AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES! As one of our readers, you know the quality we put into our publications. And with that let me say for most of my life, I've had a very strong interest in the latest and greatest health advances that medical science is making or even stumbling into! That's what AHA is all about... letting you, the reader know about many of these MEDICAL ADVANCES as they are published when they are hot off the press. Beyond that you'll read about other NATUROPATHIC ADVANCES the orthodox medical publications may not carry. I LOVE THE NATUROPATHIC SCIENCES AND SO WILL YOU. Now, to whet your appetite, check out one of our great email postings just below! So let me say it this way, "Please, if you have even the tiniest interest in your health, quickly subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES You will NOT BE SORRY! http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe As my way of thanking you for doing that, you and all new subscribers will receive (free of charge) the PDF e-book titled "Healed! Present Day Stories of Divine Healing and How It Happens" by Andy & Cathy Sanders. These are incredible and miraculous stories on healing, some of which have been written by some of our own Elijah List writers. You will receive the link to download this e-book in the welcome email you will receive within a few moments after you subscribe to "Amazing Health Advances", so make sure your email address is entered correctly! Let's get started! Again, to subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES, or go to: http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe Steve Shultz, Founder, The Elijah List Breaking Christian News 7 Ways to Fix Gastric Discomfort |  | Lynn Allison Always see your health care provider if bloating disturbs your daily life. “All of us suffer from occasional gas, bloating and indigestion,” Bryce Wylde, a leading alternative health expert and author of “The Antioxidant Prescription: How to Use the Power of Antioxidants to Prevent Disease,” tells Newsmax. “These symptoms never come at a good time, but swimsuit season is the worst because... Read more here. | |
| Susan Keown “The best-case scenario in studying his case is that we find what helped him do so well and bottle it up to use to help other people.” -- Dr. Joshua Veatch (Seattle, WA) – Chris Pope blends easily into the lunchtime crowd, just another person enjoying a sandwich while a cold Northwest drizzle spatters the brewpub windows. His firm handshake and direct demeanor hint at his work as a salesman and a neat gray goatee frames his easy smile. You’d never guess that in his blood are hiding certain immune cells that have launched the development of a new high-tech strategy for treating cancer. Just 30 miles south of the waterside spot where Pope and his wife were eating, scientists in a lab at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center were growing immune cells reprogrammed with weaponry borrowed from his. Would it be possible, those scientists wondered, to genetically engineer the immune systems of other patients to act like Pope’s did when it eradicated his stage 4 melanoma... Read more here. | |
| Karyn Repinski It’s not as simple as you'd think, but these tips can keep you from getting burned. (Washington, DC) – If you prefer spray sunscreens, you’re not alone. Their popularity is on the rise, with sales inching nearer to top-selling lotions, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. As the study authors note, people like the quick and easy application that sprays provide. “They tend to be lighter too, so you don’t feel all matted down,” says Mona Gohara, M.D., associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. It’s not difficult to find high-performing spray sunscreens either: In our tests, we found many that got high ratings for protection against both ultraviolet (UV) A and UVB rays—and one, Equate (Walmart) Sport Continuous Spray SPF 30, is just 83 cents an ounce. (UVA rays are those that primarily cause skin aging, while UVB rays are the chief cause of sunburn. Both contribute to skin cancer.) More on Sun Safety But even the best sunscreen won’t protect you if you don’t use it properly, and unfortunately, sprays are trickier to use than lotions. And sprays may pose a health hazard for some users. These issues might explain why spray sunscreens haven’t been universally accepted by dermatologists, with only 69 percent of 540 surveyed saying they recommend sprays to their patients in a 2016 study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology... Read more here. | | |
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