I try to only write articles where our readers are going to receive real and powerful new benefits available to those who serve God. I like teaching where you can benefit almost immediately!!
After all, we're told to remember what God promises FOR US!
Psalm 103:2 2 | Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits— |
3 | who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, |
4 | who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, |
5 | who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. |
Now, I've learned that, to write the best of these articles, I've needed to "walk out" in my personal life and experience what I'm going to teach. Often that means a year or more of walking out a new teaching before I'm ready to share it with others!
There's nothing like motivating our readers to press into the Lord—especially when I can tell them I've tested what I'm about to tell you— and I've discovered that this teaching is both Biblical and... IT WORKS!!
Such is the case today. I've been living with this teaching now for — actually a NUMBER OF YEARS! Here it is...
God has taught me a KEY SECRET to receiving Heaven's Ideas for my personal success...

I have been so excited about this fresh revelation to me that I've continued to experiment with it, just to be sure that, 1) I was and am... both Biblically accurate and 2) I've tested them enough to know that it truly WORKS.
You know what it feels like to not have even the slightest idea how to get out of a sticky situation or how to break through in a business challenge or a family situation, right? It's terrible to come up against a brick wall when a solution to your problem simply eludes you...
When God is rushing to fulfill HIS promises, here is what it looks like...
Isaiah 65:23-24 "They will not labor in vain or bear children doomed to disaster; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD—they and their descendants with them. Even before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear." |
God literally WANTS to bless us, ALL THE TIME, but it seems that He likes to test us for short seasons...that is, He allows us to go through hard times that HE DOES NOT CAUSE but He looks for our response to those hard times.
Consider: Joseph, Moses, the Disciples, Blind Bartimeus, Mary Madeleine, even the Mother of Jesus. (spelling)
So, where am I going with this? What tests did God take me through to teach this truth? Well first, let me tell you how much He's blessed THE ELIJAH LIST and ELIJAH STREAMS TV but now and then we've hit a wall, a BIG WALL. When YOU HIT A WALL, that's the moment to understand that God has allowed a TEST to come to you. Pass that test and you'll be amazed at the favor of the Lord.
Though I sought to get out of the tough situation we were in (normally that turns out to be financial, for most people), I found myself examining myself to see if I was being generous with the Lord, while, at the same time, asking HIM to be GENEROUS WITH ME!
It's sort of logical right? God has the "need" for as many as possible to come to Him but He uses fallible, often weak, human beings, like us here at the ministry and of course like you too! He wants the Lost to be saved but He needs you and me.
Now to be clear about God's personality — He desires that those of us who seek after HIS BENEFITS —He desires us to be equally providing benefits to the LOST. This of course means supporting ministries around the earth who are doing the work of an evangelist, bringing people to Him.
Derene and I have always been tithe payers. Always! And because of that, we've always been able to be rescued from most of the problems that have come to us. But while we've been rescued, we often have mostly just stayed "even" and have not much pulled ahead financially, both personally and with the ministry—at least in the early years.
But now things are changing for the better. Here's how that happened... One day I decided to get VERY GENEROUS with God. It seemed the thing to do. Not only did we pay our 10% tithe, and not only did we pay another 10% to various ministries, but this time, my wife and I decided to go even beyond that. Frankly, we were having a great time giving, because we were made to enjoy giving. I mean both YOU and I were made to enjoy giving. It's in our spiritual DNA.
So we picked a few projects. That is, we picked some people we knew who were hurting. People for which giving to them would NOT provide a tax break for us. So we did it, we gave. One woman we suddenly felt led to give an entire paycheck to. It was around $3500. And it was fun to give it to her.

The next few days I went into our office (I often write from home while the staff works at the office). There on the top of my desk was a photo copied letter from another ministry. The Elijah List Director had circled something on it and put it on my desk. I'm sure he forgot about it.
I looked at it. Then I looked longer. Then I stared at it for about a minute and suddenly, I said to myself, "This ministry has just changed FOREVER."
Rather than spill the beans, let me just tell you that the idea that popped into my head from that piece of paper, did in fact change this ministry FOREVER. God's prosperity and favor has really been amazing.
Now, the LORD has not allowed me to get to a place where I don't ask our partners.... so I DO ask our partners for help, because we truly need it. We are growing all the time and ELIJAH STREAMS TV is about to come out on God.TV in a very short time. Already a dozen programs are done and being edited.
And today, I am coming right out and asking for your personal help! Not only that one time but many times since then, I've decided to give sacrificially to someone in need or a ministry who needed help and suddenly... a new idea pops into my head.. a creative, prosperity-causing idea almost "jumps into my head" and then I know what God has just told me to do. It "sounded" like a thought FROM ME in my head but I KNEW it was GOD'S VOICE!
Now, you know how someone gives you a great truth and helps you understand about being generous with God and then they say, "This is not a fund raising speech?" I'm NOT saying that today. Because this is, in fact a fund-raising letter because our needs are great. They are really huge, but God's people are always so generous with us.
We need to buy air time to get these programs being transmitted around the globe and I truly need your help. Will you? Can you?
What I'm here to REMIND YOU, is that God ALWAYS causes more prosperity to come to you when you give generously! He does this, not only with money coming to you, but even greater than that, He sends down HEAVENLY BRILLIANT IDEAS for you to implement that is better than immediate money.. It will be instead, long term, sustaining financial help. I want that for you!! I really do!
Proverbs 22:9 The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. |
When you give to those who are serving God's people, encouraging them around them earth, you are giving to the poor in Spirit. God loves both kinds of giving to the poor. Literally giving to the poor people of the earth plus giving to those who are poor in the spirit.
Will you, this very day, take a moment and help Derene and me raise the needed funds to buy air time on God.TV? You are literally feeding the poor this way.
What will happen when you do give?
I know with all assurance from the Holy Spirit that God will bless you and begin to speak creative thoughts into your head. He just does it. All the time.
You have to listen closely of course. Don't discount the ideas that pop into your heads when you give generously. It is normally within 2-3 days (sometimes immediately) after giving, that Heaven starts shooting ideas into your head.
Do NOT ignore those thoughts after you give generously. Heaven sent them. Start slow and try those ideas put and see what happens, ok?
Thank you in advance for helping us. And thank you for encouraging the friends of God who will see these programs and be encouraged, all over the earth!
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Thank you from Derene's and my heart to you!!

Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders of Elijah List Ministries
ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES, a 501c-3 organization
To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to:
Or Call:
(541) 967-3665