In her latest article she shares two keys that are available to you NOW to live a supernatural life.
I'm not going to give it on for yourself and be blessed in a supernatural lifestyle God has given you access to! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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It is always exciting when GOD does something supernatural in our lives! Oh YES! I am certainly convinced we can live it daily! Yes, we can access the heavenly realms of GOD. We can ascend to the throne room. It becomes open for many by two very distinct measures—two keys to a supernatural lifestyle. Reading Revelation chapter 21 is a beginning. I believe if you can see it while reading it you can access it!
"The LORD said to me, 'You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled.'" (Jeremiah 1:12)
Believing You are Destined to Live from Heaven to Earth
This awesome realm of the Spirit is obtainable by believing you are destined to LIVE from Heaven to Earth. The prayer is clear...we pray, "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth, AS it is in Heaven" (Mathew 6:10 emphasis mine). Knowing we are fashioned in the image of our Creator we now have access to the revelation of how DIVINE HE IS (see Genesis 1:27).
So as we read the book of Revelation chapter 21, we can envision the picture laid out in front of us very clearly: A crystal sea. Transparent streets. Jeweled walls. The glory of GOD filling the new Jerusalem, that holy, celestial city called HEAVEN, which will one day come forth in the below when the King and His saints reign and rule 1000 years WITH HIM!
"The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years." (Revelation 20:6)
So how does that access Heaven then?
"This is what the LORD says: 'Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. Where is the house you will build for Me? Where will My resting place be'" (Isaiah 66:1)? I desperately want to be the resting place for the Lord.
The Art of Being Subject to the Realm of the King
This leads me to the 2nd most valuable key to access the supernatural lifestyle: the art of being a subject to that unseen yet tangible realm of the KING!
A couple of years ago, I had a vision where I visited Heaven and had an amazing, supernatural experience. I had been worshiping in my tea room when suddenly, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit fill the room and I was lost in the glory of GOD, and that presence was taking me supernaturally upward. I could feel myself soaring, my spirit was FREE and I was loving this freedom.
Suddenly, I felt something beneath my feet and I looked and saw a beautiful, clear, golden floor. I had an unction to move forward...when I did, I found myself in a vast arena filled with what was like theater seating with a long corridor through its center. Instantly I was aware of these new surroundings.
The Holy Spirit that had accompanied me said, "Go forward." I was timid, not sure of the steps I was about to take, when I was suddenly strengthened. As I moved forward, I saw a mighty throng of people, angels and created beings. I knew I was in the throne room of the King of kings, yet even more majestic than I could have imagined.
I was moving as if I was gliding through this corridor, when I saw straight ahead of me a glowing, living light. From that light came two loving arms—I flew into these arms! Coming from a side of the light was Jesus as King, His head was glorified by a beautiful, jeweled crown. His head was lifted high. He was smiling. His teeth were shining like pearls. His robes were so glorious in color, they carried all the colors of creation. He stood there with such joy upon His face.
I was in the arms of the Father when Jesus said: "Father, We have her right where We want her." The Father then put me in a seat, three rows up, the third seat from the end toward the throne. I had been given my place in Heaven, fulfilling Scripture: I AM SEATED in heavenly places.
"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus..." (Ephesians 2:6)
Fulfilling His Passion
I realized from that moment on to this very present day that we must:
1) Read the Scriptures, for in them we LIVE! We must have vision and have our destiny released!
2) Believe that God will and can give us a revelation of our place in the heavenlies.
I know just by activation of our senses, and in Revelation 21, we have the very beginning of a supernatural life. Each one of us has a seat assigned to us. It's God's desire for us to have the very best! He wants us to fulfill His passion by doing just as He does in the now.
"Jesus gave them this answer: 'Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.'" (John 5:19)
Oh dear friend, once you activate your senses and go for the golden streets in Revelation, you WILL begin your supernatural life because you know and are confident in your place in the heavenlies. Is time to activate, participate and propagate the Kingdom ON Earth as it is in Heaven. He wants to extend this invitation THROUGH YOU! Let us pray:
Dearest Jesus, You are the King of ALL kings, the lifter of our heads, the Savior of our soul and the Redeemer of our sin. THANK YOU! We come before You at this moment to ask You to allow us that glimpse of Heaven. Let us deny the access of fear and doubt which tries to enter in as we read Revelation and participate in the majestic painting You set out before us in the Scriptures.
I desire a supernatural life and I desire to know my place. I will not judge my seat against another. I will not contend for what is not destined for me. I will allow Your access to me to be a resting place. REST ON ME! I love You Jesus, O majestic King. I invite Your precious, HOLY spirit of revelation to enter me now, in Jesus name and forever, Amen. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Dr. Theresa Phillips
Founder and Chief, Editor, Global Prophetic Voice
Dr. Theresa Phillips is an international speaker, author, recording artist, and business owner. She is the host of Global Prophetic Live Web TV, and is the developer of Glory Oils and Redeem and Renew Skin Solutions. Dr. Theresa is an educator and author of Kingdom principles, releasing many into positions of leadership in the "Seven Mountain" spheres of influence. In her 27 years of Ministry, Theresa has authored 22 books and released a number of short articles and prophetic words. She is impassioned to help others develop their own destinies!
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