Over the past 20 years...
...my friend Dr. Berin Gilfillan has been running around the world, chasing down the spiritual giants of our day, and capturing their "legacy messages" on video.
One of those giants is none other than Joyce Meyer —
...and the video Berin shot of her is
packed full of anointed words, sure to edify & uplift...
— and I'd like you to
have this video recording of Joyce's message, FREE. Here are just a few of the shimmering, "spiritual gold nuggets" you'll find buried within this timely teaching:
• | What to do when you face deep rejection from your closest friends |
• | Why Christian leaders so often fall into moral failure — and how you should respond when you see this happen |
• | The difference between being fearful, and being careful — and why it's critically important to understand this difference |
• | How to respond when people judge you for being a woman in ministry |
• | There were certain aspects of His life that Jesus did NOT share with His close friends. And there's a lesson in this (that Joyce explains in the video) about the things that *we* should not share with our closest friends! |
• | What to do if you have a dream in your heart, but nothing is happening |
Watch this transformational message by Joyce Meyer now! Though the whole video is amazing...
I think my favorite part is when Joyce talked about "the silent years." Those years when you have a dream... but you feel
lonely in having it. Because no one else sees it. And nobody believes in you but God.
Ever been there before?
...in the "silent years"?
I know I have!
If you've been there too, I think you'll be encouraged by
watching this FREE video class by Joyce — so go ahead, check it out now!

Tamara Lowe
America's #1 Success Strategist
New York Times Bestselling author
P.S. The above video is a part of a larger series of teachings Joyce did on "Wilderness Mentalities." The video is powerful by itself — but the series altogether could change your life.
So if you like
Joyce's video — and I suspect you won't just like it, you'll love it — be sure to scroll down while you're watching it.
Further down the page you'll find info on how to watch the rest of Joyce's series... and even receive a ministry degree by watching videos like them!