From the desk of Steve Shultz: is time to take the land! We've been receiving quite a few words lately about God giving lands and territories for His purposes.
Is God calling you to take a land? Is He calling you to YOUR Promised Land?
You have got to read this word by Helen Cobanov from Australia as she shares:
I can feel it in the atmosphere around me, like the air is pregnant. I feel a painful cry of endurance building like something significant is about to take place. As God made me aware of this expectant feeling, I heard the words singing out, "New land is birthing! Kingdom territory is yours!"
Read this most exhorting word to find out about the new lands God is giving to YOU! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"New Land is Birthing - Kingdom Territory is Yours"
Helen Cobanov, Brisbane, Australia
I have felt, for some time, that there have been people sitting in a place of waiting and prayer and some who have been really contending for their destiny. I believe that God has been taking us through a process of refining His Bride, ready for all that is ahead. I have felt recently that a pressure has been building and have this very expectant feeling in my spirit.
I can feel it in the atmosphere around me, like the air is pregnant. I feel a painful cry of endurance building like something significant is about to take place. As God made me aware of this expectant feeling, I heard the words singing out, "New land is birthing! Kingdom territory is yours!"
As I heard these words, I saw a vision of people standing on water. God showed me that these people are ones who have been willing to step out of the boat, so to speak. They have endured storms and at times they have struggled to keep their heads above water. They have been treading water and contending in prayer; crying out to God for breakthrough. But through all they've endured, they have built an unwavering faith and a determination to keep their eyes locked on God and trust Him in all things. (Photo via Unsplash)
"Then Jesus said, 'Be brave and don't be afraid. I am here!' Peter shouted out, 'Lord, if it's really You, then have me join you on the water!' 'Come and join me,' Jesus replied. So Peter stepped out onto the water and began to walk toward Jesus." (Matt. 14:27-29 TPT)
Then I saw a wave of God's Spirit rising up and moving across the earth. I saw new land rising up from the depths of the ocean. This land was springing up in front of people and I heard the words: "It's time to come to shore. It's time to take the land."
Place Your Feet on the Shore and Advance
Then I heard the Lord say, "I am birthing new land and you are to place your feet on the shore and advance! 'I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses' (Josh. 1:3). Now take this land and claim it for My Kingdom.
"I have heard your prayers, your cries for breakthrough, for new territory. As you have been willing to come out of your comfort zone into places you thought were out of your depth, you have learned to trust Me and to listen to My voice. At times, you have felt that you're in way over your head, or that you've been treading water in the waiting.
"But through...(continue reading)