From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is a God of healing...He loves doing it for everyone!
He also wants us to be conduits of His unconditional love. And often that starts with us receiving healing of any wounds we have ourselves.
This is the hour of God doing so much and that includes healing our hearts! Jo Ellen Stevens shares an excellent word about this from the Lord:
He said, "I am calling My people into their closets to pray and seek My face—not for someone else but for themselves! They have been through much warfare in this season. I need them to come into their prayer closets right now and cry out to Me to heal them of their battle wounds. I need them to come and ask Me to heal their bruised and battle-scarred hearts..."
I pray in this season you will seek the Lord and ask Him to heal you in any areas needed. God wants to heal and reveal Himself to you in new ways so that you can pour out His unconditional love to others as well! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Angels are Coming to Heal Hearts and Bring God's Love Revival"
Jo Ellen Stevens, Connersville, IN
Recently I had an interesting dream, where I was in my house and enjoying fellowship with people like I haven't experienced in years. Some of us in the group decided to go into a room to pray. As we went in, we took some prayer cloths with us and began to place anointing oil on them. We began to pray and repent—crying out for healing. While we were praying, pink angel feathers began coming up out of our prayer cloths! (I believe pink is representative of unconditional love.)
While we continued to watch the prayer cloths and pray, the pink feathers just kept coming and coming. The feathers looked just like cotton candy while they were forming. After a while I went out of the room and there was a man in my living room. He had been part of the meeting and looked like some sort of theologian. I took the angel feathers out to show them to him. Suddenly, he got an indignant look on his face and said to me, "I think these things were sent from the devil to distract you from what you are supposed to be doing!" (I knew this man represented those opposed to child-like faith and God's unconditional love.) That was the end of the dream.
Time to Go into Your Prayer Closet
When I woke up, the Lord...(continue reading)