From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I have many FAVORITE words that are written by Johnny Enlow. This is one of them... my new favorite!
Not only is this a great and encouraging word for the Body of Christ, it is FULL of teaching by example, how to discern the times we are living in.
Johnny Enlow is probably the best I know at interpreting the times and succinctly putting his discoveries from the Lord into writing for you!
Grab that coffee and slowly, carefully read this word. I truly discern that this word is straight from the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Lord is Coming - Riding on a Red Horse"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
Zechariah 1:8, "During the night I had a vision, and there before me was a MAN MOUNTED ON A RED HORSE..."
This is what the Lord just spoke to me. Back in 2004, the Lord led me to Zechariah 1:8 and how He was then coming as "the man on the red horse." The context was that He was coming in a very interventionist mode and in a way He hadn't come in 40 years. As a sign, I spoke that there would be a 9 plus earthquake such as had come 40 years before in 1964, and that the point where kingdoms clash would be Indonesia. In December of that year, Indonesia experienced the powerful 9 plus earthquake that caused many regional deaths. The earthquake wasn't "judgment from God" but creation being moved by Him coming in.
At that time, the Lord also asked me to "buy a red horse" so that as I ride it I could be in intercessory agreement with Him on Earth for how He would begin to intervene. I was very taken aback with the request until the Lord pointed out I was about to trade in my old car. Long story short, I ended up buying a red 2004 Ford Mustang that "happened" to be a 40th year anniversary special. There have been many supernatural things having to do with the 2004 red mustang and I still drive it.
The Lord began speaking to me that His next level of interventionism as "the man on the red horse" is to take place now. It is not coincidental that the passage is Zecharaiah 1:8, and has a strong application for 2018. Furthermore Zechariah 1:1 starts out with, "In the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Zechariah..."
Right now, we are in the 8th month (August) of Donald Trump's second year in office. The names Darius and Donald mean roughly the same thing "world ruler" or "lord". In this passage the Lord sends an angel out to bring a report on the nations. The angel comes back essentially telling the Lord that the nations were ignoring Him and that furthermore for "Jerusalem's sake" He, the Lord, should act. The Lord then responded with action as the passage shows.
For us today, He is coming...(continue reading)