From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really appreciate the ministry and messages that come from Jon and Jolene Hamill. They are pioneers and mighty intercessors stationed in Washington DC with boots on the ground...covering our blessed nation in prayer at the capital!
Here are a couple of excerpts from their powerful article:
It's a double portion day. So I want to share with you eight keys for a "new way forward" as we make our transition from 5778 into 5779. This starts on 8/18, and let's take a look at the new way forward God is bringing...
Here are eight priorities for this new way forward in 2019. Some of these may be familiar. But read them anyway and let revelation expand within you. Get this in your spirit!
Now, I want you to read on and find out some awesome priorities that Jon and Jolene received for this new year upon us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's a Double Portion Day! 8 Priorities for the New Way Forward in 2019"
Jon and Jolene Hamill, Washington, DC
This word was released on 8/18/18:
It's a double portion day. So I want to share with you eight keys for a "new way forward" as we make our transition from 5778 into 5779. This starts on 8/18, and let's take a look at the new way forward God is bringing. I'm going to start by sharing a recent visitation that is very personal. It is sacred for me. Please respect this as I share.
Visitation and New Commissioning
On Wednesday, August 8, 2018, the Lord gave me a prophetic experience to set a new course for our lives and for Lamplighter (our ministry). It all began with communion. Pastor Jamie Jackson had given us a special "fountain container" to serve communion. It actually fills eight cups at a time. On 8/8, I felt led by the Lord to receive communion eight times with this fountain. (Watch how the Lord Jesus visits you this year in the midst of communion, because in in the middle of this time, He met me in a very unusual way.)
I suddenly became aware of a high-ranking angelic host in our living room. His wings were feathered and brilliant white. They encompassed me, literally enfolding around me. Within my spirit I heard the voice of the Lord: "Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore arise..." The words of Joshua chapter one continued to flow. "Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel (the people of the covenant)..." (See Joshua 1:2.) More on this in a moment.
All at once, I became cognizant of a sword resting on my left shoulder, then my right shoulder. It was a similar sensation to a ministry commissioning we received a few years ago; old rank removed and a new rank conferred.
Beloved, I wasn't seeking anything more than to give myself afresh to Jesus through communion. But the Lord had other plans. In the midst of the table of the Lord, He gave me a new commissioning.
Two questions immediately came to mind. First... what just happened? Second... exactly who was the "Moses" who had died?... (continue reading)