Dear Friends,
Thirty seconds, that is all some of them have. The people of Israel sometimes only have thirty seconds to get to shelter when they hear the warning siren that a missile has been launched from Gaza or Syria and could strike their area.
Just a few weeks ago at 10:05 am on a Wednesday morning, the entire region around the Sea of Galilee heard that siren, as
missiles fired from Syria struck near where our Abraham's Bread Feeding Center is located in Tiberias. Thankfully no one was injured.
Many found their way to the feeding center that day, looking for reassurance and hope, and were met with a warm meal and kind smile.
Help those in need in Israel >> 
Each day, approximately
150 of the city's impoverished citizens arrive at the Feeding Center to receive a hot, fresh meal, a warm smile, and friendly social interaction. For many of these struggling Israelis, this is their only meal of the day. Many diners are known personally to the staff, adding another layer of dignity to a situation that is otherwise sometimes uncomfortable for people. In this way, the needy patrons feel cared for despite their life circumstances.
"Everyone who needs a meal has a story," Manager Varda Shoan explained. "We don't pry, but we do care."
Shoan shared the story of Miriam. Miriam was a special needs teacher for decades, who recently was forced out of work due to debilitating back pain. Her son was recently discharged from the army and has been unsuccessfully looking for work. Her small family is struggling and finding the Abraham's Bread Feeding Center just blocks away from their home has prevented them from going to bed hungry.
"Without these meals, I don't know what we would do. We are so grateful," said Miriam. In the mist of the rising tensions and increased aggression from Syria, just to the north, our feeding center remains open to serve the elderly, young families, and any in need.
In the scripture we are commanded by the Lord, "'
Comfort, yes, comfort My people!' Says your God." (Isaiah 40:1).
God makes it clear, You and I are to comfort His people, the Jewish people, and this is the moment when they need comfort more than ever.
Give a gift to extend comfort to Miriam and the many young and old who are in such need. >> Through your gift and prayers, the Abraham's Bread Feeding Center will continue to be the loving kindness of God extended to bless His people.