From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Women of God...this is one word from the Lord through Lana Vawser that you DON'T want to miss out on reading...and I mean really reading thoroughly, over and over again.
This word that Lana recently sent out is a NOW word that both women and men need to hear...and men—we need to support the women that God is mightily raising up in this day!
Just read this most profound and powerful revelation by Lana:
Instantly, I knew that the Lord was making a decree about the new chapter He is leading His daughters into. It is a season of RADICAL RECOMPENSE. Not only will there be recompense for what has been stolen and lost, but what has been endured by the daughters of God – the battles, the opposition, the onslaughts. The Lord has seen and now the justice of God is going to be demonstrated powerfully. Not only will the Lord restore what was lost, but there is going to be significant INCREASE in the RECOMPENSE and RESTORATION.
I pray all of God's daughters out there....receive the most incredible RADICAL RECOMPENSE that only comes from your heavenly Father. Please do me a favor and forward this most extravagant word from the Father to everyone you know! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Season of 'Radical Recompense' for God's Daughters!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
Daughters of God, this is a significant moment for you. This is a significant season. The battle has been intense because of the tremendous breakthroughs the Lord has for you. The battle has been intense because of the new chapter the Lord is opening up over your life. It's not something to fear, it is something to rejoice in. For the enemy has come against many of you time and time again to attempt to sift you, but the Lord is decreeing that He is now shifting you. He is moving you. You are not going to remain in the same place. The Lord is building momentum in your life and He is moving you. He is moving circumstances, moving mountains, removing boulders and making a way where there is no way.
Making a Way Where There is No Way - Your Book of Destiny
The Lord is opening this new chapter in the book of destiny that He has written over your life and things will NOT remain the same. I want you to hear that today. I felt it strongly on the heart of God for you. The enemy has told so many of you that things will never change. That's a lie! The opposite is true!
"The WEIGHT of so many years is being lifted off the daughters of God and a season of deep REST and JOY awaits." |
The Lord is shifting and changing things, even if you don't see it in the natural yet. The Lord is making a way where there previously has been no way. For many of you there have been giants in your land for SO LONG and they have refused to move. They have continued to taunt, oppress and torment you! Well, those giants are being driven out of your land by the hand of God. The Lord is moving powerfully, even if you don't see it yet. He is setting things up that are far beyond what you have imagined or dreamed.
In a vision, I saw the Lord opening...(continue reading)