From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is doing much and moving across the nations of the earth. I have sure enjoyed the ministry of Catherine Brown over the years...she is both apostolic and prophetic in nature.
In her latest article she writes an awesome revelation about how Scotland, where she is from, and Brazil are connected. I found this fascinating!
Catherine Brown shares here:
As I was in prayer for the nation of Brazil, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "It is time for Heaven's judicial intervention for Brazil."
Now read about this intervention and much more in Catherine's latest article! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"Scotland and Brazil - What's the Connection?"
by Catherine Brown, Glasgow, Scotland
I have been praying for Brazil for some time now and I am presently planning a ministry trip there in November of this year. Recently, I was having coffee with a ministry friend and we were chatting about Brazil and she shared with me about the remarkable connection between Brazil and Scotland through the mission of Dr. Robert Reid Kalley and his wife. Dr. Kalley was born in 1809 in Glasgow. He was a Scottish Presbyterian medical doctor, a pioneer who learned to speak Portuguese on the island of Madeira (off the coast of Morocco). Kalley founded the first evangelical churches in Brazil and is reported to be the first Protestant to evangelize Brazilians in Portuguese. (For further information see the notes at the foot of this prophetic article.)
As I was in prayer for the nation of Brazil, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "It is time for Heaven's judicial intervention for Brazil."
The Angel of Justice and Mercy
I then saw a powerful vision unfolding. A mighty angel holding a set of scales was positioned on the nation of Brazil, standing in Sao Paulo. On one of the scales he was holding was written the word 'mercy' and on the other scale the word 'justice.' The scales were perfectly in balance.
Prayer Treks
I then saw people making treks across the nation, zig zagging in all directions. The prayer treks were pilgrimages that were opening up ancient wells of blessing and simultaneously creating new wells of blessing and opening the flow of Heaven over the people and the land.
As a result of the increased and focused strategic prayer activity throughout the nation, the word "REHOBOTH" was emblazoned across the nation and I heard the Spirit of God say, "Brazil is in a season of Rehoboth. She shall experience expansion, multiplication, restoration, redemption and ultimately Kingdom transformation in all spheres."
In the Bible in Genesis Chapter 26, we read how Isaac had encountered resistance to his opening up wells in the land of Gerar, but upon the digging of a third well he encountered no resistance and this time he named the well 'Rehoboth,' which in Hebrew literally means, 'broad places.' The previous two wells he had named 'Esek,' which means 'contention' and 'Sitnah,' which means 'hostility.' (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
"...and he said, 'For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.'" (Genesis 26:22)
Rehoboth indicates... (continue reading)