From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Jane Hamon is full...and I mean full of prophetic revelation for this new year! I always look forward to what all the Hamons release in their prophetic words, and especially concerning the new (Jewish) year we have just entered into.
I am going to keep this really this article by Jane is a bit longer, so I'll let you get right to it.
But first, here's a taste of what Jane shares about revival:
Revival is for everyone...the lost, the prodigal, the broken-hearted, the one struggling through doubt and unbelief, the one in desperate need of a miracle, the revolutionary and the reformers. We are coming out of survival and into revival! Let's take a look at what that will mean for us in the coming year!
Now, read on to find out what God has in store for us concerning revival and much more in this new season. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Ninth Hour - From Survival to Revival!"
Jane Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL
God is always speaking to His people, but at special times of celebration and commemoration, prophets and prophetic people listen for His words that will focus us for this new season. As we enter the Roman calendar year 2019 and the Hebraic calendar year 5779, we are asking for clarity and understanding of God's purposes so that we can properly position ourselves to receive and cooperate with all Heaven desires to perform.
God's present word for a season will often connect to previous words from previous seasons. Prophetic words are like road signs confirming His path and direction as we journey forward. One sign might indicate that we are to keep proceeding on the previous route and that these are some markers of what we should expect to see. Other words may indicate a turn or a change of direction, yet a continuation of the same journey. In the last several years God has spoken to me that we are in a time of Divine Reversals, both for individuals and for nations, we are in a Comeback season, and we are in the time of the Prophet's Reward, to name a few. These words connect us to God's heart, plan and reformation purposes in the earth.
"We are coming into a time of angelic encounters in which we are not just comforted or inspired by the presence of angels, but rather are empowered with clarity and insight for the days ahead." |
This year as I prayed I heard the Lord say that this will be a time of birthing what we have been carrying and that He is taking His people and our land from survival to revival! We are in the 30th year of the birthing of the prophetic movement and it is time to see the prophet's reward (Matthew 10:40-41) which is breakthrough, miracles, abundance, increase and Heaven fighting for us.
Defining Revival
It's important to know that the definition of revival is not just a series of outpourings or crusade meetings but "revive" means, to return to life, consciousness, vigor, vitality, strength or a flourishing condition; a spiritual awakening; to quicken, restore and renew hope and confidence; to activate or set things into motion; to make operative or valid again; to quicken or renew the mind; to recover from financial depression; to rejuvenate, reactivate, resuscitate and revitalize. Wow!
Revival is for everyone...the lost, the prodigal, the broken-hearted, the one struggling through doubt and unbelief, the one in desperate need of a miracle, the revolutionary and the reformers. We are coming out of survival and into revival! Let's take a look at what that will mean for us in the coming year... (continue reading)