September 7, 2018 "Prophetic Word for September: AIM! Acceleration, Impartation, Manifestation" Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas From the Desk of Steve Shultz: This is one powerful word from Joe Joe Dawson for the month of God is calling us to AIM higher! You'll read key revelation behind this word as you go through Joe Joe's article. So much is happening right now as we are on the cusp of the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah. Many have said that during this time it's very active in the heavenlies and God and His angels are doing much across the earth. Just read this by Joe Joe: The Lord showed me a vision of many angels with arrows in their hands. The Lord was saying, "The arrows are My people. When they point their lives straight, they will be shot straight into their destinies." Position yourself to be used mightily by God... Now find out how you can AIM higher in this new and very active season. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) 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This revelation hit me so strongly. I understood through this word, "aim," that the Lord was saying most people have never aimed themselves straight toward the things that God has for them. In order for people to fully step into all that God has for them in the month of September, they must move into extreme acceleration. What is the fastest way to move from point A to point B? A straight line. When you shift into extreme acceleration with straight-lined focus, you will hit your target. Acceleration The A in aim is acceleration. The Lord recently showed me a prophetic vision of a road nearby my house. It is a straight stretch of road for about 125 miles, but right before you merge onto it there is a large curve. There are many Believers who are taking their last curve in the spirit before they hit that straight stretch of open road. When you are on a straight road you can see miles and miles ahead of you. God is giving His people the ability to see years and years down the road as they aim themselves straight ahead and accelerate. Many have been stuck just trying to find their way through their day-to-day life, but in this season the Lord is bringing clarity to what people are putting their hands to and giving them clarity for their futures. Clear focus is important during this season because God is showing us where to aim our energy, time, gifts, prayers, finances and efforts. Aim your life and focus on what God is calling you to do. Impartation The second word the Lord spoke to me was impartation, and is the I in aim. Many times we have a vague direction of where God is leading us, but until we receive that big, life-altering impartation, our true destinies will not be revealed. God is releasing key impartation of insight, wisdom, and fresh revelation from the Word of God. You may have read the same Scripture hundreds of times, but then it hits your spirit and you receive an impartation from it. There is a powerful impartation coming from the Lord in this season. Manifestation The third and final word the Lord spoke to me was manifestation which is the M in aim. You will see a manifestation of the promises of God over your life in September. Some of you have grown tired and weary and feel like giving up, but I want to encourage you today: Get full of God. Get around the right people who will encourage you and aim your life toward the promises God has spoken over your life. Manifestation is coming to those promises! It is always tempting to break down when you've been praying and believing for a long time, but so many Believers break down right before they get their breakthrough. I feel that many are just one step away from the biggest breakthrough of their lives. God is saying, "Aim toward the direction I have called you to and I will bring the acceleration, impartation and manifestation." Angels with Arrows The Lord showed me a vision of many angels with arrows in their hands. The Lord was saying, "The arrows are My people. When they point their lives straight, they will be shot straight into their destinies." Position yourself to be used mightily by God. Acceleration is coming like we have never experienced before. Impartation that far surpasses anything we've ever had before is being released, and the manifestation of promises coming to pass are so close and are already happening. Right now in the Body of Christ this is a key season for God's people to get ready. The word "aim" is a word for you. Acceleration, impartation and manifestation are your portion in this season. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Joe Joe Dawson Joe Joe Dawson Ministries Email: Website: Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and Apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson and they have three children Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawson's live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every Believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Alveda King's book by Elijah List Publications: America Return to God: Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 email: Phone 1-541-926-3250 |