From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We've received quite a few words about the Lord calling us to take dominion with our authority that He already gave us. Yes it's time to take our Promised Land(s) and that means together!
Just read this awesome excerpt from Joey LeTourneau:
I don't merely believe that we are entering a time of personal ownership. Rather, we are entering a time of Kingdom ownership. That's the real key! We are called to take dominion together, as a "single entity." We need each other to see all our Isaacs fulfilled. Your vision has a grace that covers my lack, and mine has a grace that covers yours.
That's a really good word! God is going to connect you with the right people and relationships to have dominion together where He is calling you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Kingdom 'Monopoly' Together"
Joey LeTourneau, Coarsegold, CA
"...Great grace was upon them all. Nor was there anyone among them who lacked..." (Acts 4:33-34)
I believe we're in a very strategic time, not just of receiving promises and inheritance, but learning and preparing how to use such when God establishes these promises in our lives. For example, Abraham and Sarah waited and persevered through so much before Isaac finally came. Isaac was their promise – or so they thought at the time. But really, what the full promise God was trying to bring about was a family through whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed! Abraham and Sarah thought it was about securing the promise they could see, but Isaac wasn't an end, but a means to a much bigger promise of fathering nations.
Many of us are waiting for our "Isaacs" to come in many forms, but what will happen when we receive such? Will we rest in that beautiful promise, or will we take that promise and keep moving forward, believing God for as many Isaacs as there are stars in the sky and sand on the seashore? God is doing something much bigger, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Our "Isaac" is not just our answer, it's an invitation into something much greater for such a time as this. I believe that God is ready for us to play Monopoly, Kingdom style, TOGETHER!
Kingdom Monopoly:
"Going after our Isaac alone can be a long, weary journey and I believe God wants us to look up and see the bigger plans that are unfolding within the twinkle of His eyes." |
In the last week, I've had multiple dreams where I've woken up and all I could remember was the game Monopoly. In one sense, this felt very odd, and yet, I knew it related to a lot of what we are going after in the natural right now, believing God alongside our mission partners for the miraculous securing of multiple, long-awaited Kingdom properties.
Included in the properties we're trusting God and His promises for is a home for us – one we have received many promises about for many years. This aspect is very personal because we have moved with the Lord A LOT – with miracle stories at the forefront of most of those moves. We've had international moves, cross country moves, and local moves. Basically, you name the type of move and we've had multiple of it. Each move has had its own season and assignment with the Lord. This recent move has been unexpected, but it's been a clear God set-up as well.
It would be natural to simply trust and believe God for a house and property for our family to move into. It's a very basic need. However, God...(continue reading)