From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I appreciate Joni Ames being straight to the point...and I know you will too! No matter what we see happening all around us...God is GOOD and He has good things for His sons and daughters!
I truly believe with Joni...this is going to be a good year! Just read this from her:
I believe 5779/2019 going to be a good year. It will be a time of birthing God's promises for you. It will be a time of recovery as you experience the harvest of your labors and a time of fruitfulness as you experience God's goodness. But in the process, you may also experience some warfare. Don't let the enemy get to you. Don't give up before you get to the open door God has for you...
Now read the rest of Joni's article and be expectant in the GOOD coming your way. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"5779 Will Be a GOOD Year!"
Joni Ames, Rock Hill, SC
We're in a very interesting season of transition in the world today. It may take every ounce of faith and patience you can muster to make it through. Many are cracking under the pressure. Don't let that be you.
Battling the World's Agenda
All around us we see strife, division, anger, and debate. We can't even turn on the TV to get a break. You can be watching a program to be entertained and help you get your mind off things, and the world and its problems slams you in the face there too. Everyone thinks they have to chime in and have their agenda be heard.
"It will be crucial to press in and know the time and season each of us as well as the world is in." |
If you are trying to accomplish what God has spoken to your heart, you'll need to put on the whole armor of God. Don't let the toxic talk of others destroy your vision. You must rely on and trust God more than ever. If He told you something and it's not for the masses, share it with as few as possible. Thus you can avoid unnecessary conflict and maintain your peace and level thinking.
If a door closes, don't waste time hanging out and crying around it. Be joyful and believe God. He opens doors no one can close, so move on in faith and anticipation until you get to that open door. When you reach it, uncommon favor will surround you and cause everything you have need of to fall into place. So don't waste time moaning about the ones that closed.
5779/2019: A GOOD Year
We're going into the new year of 5779 (Rosh Hashanah) on the Jewish calendar (September 10th). Pay attention to your dreams from now until the official start of the new year Yom Kippur (September 19th). God will be revealing what He has ahead for you in them. (Photo via Unsplash)
We are still in the 5770s, and the number 70s is ayin. This is a time of being awakened and eyes being opened. The 9 in 5779 (and our upcoming 2019) is significant. It speaks of birthing, harvest, and fruitfulness. In the Jewish Torah, the nine is called tet. Tet is connected to the Hebrew word tov, meaning "good."
I believe 5779/2019 going to be a good year. It will be a time of... (continue reading)