From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is most definitely a word for the hour and even this week for many things happening in our nation.
Lana Vawser of Australia often receives powerful words for us in the USA. This is one I highly recommend that you read and pass on, so that we can come intro agreement together in the revelations and the word of the Lord she received.
Just read this opening statement from Lana:
Over the past few days I have been feeling a sense of urgency over the United States, and an excitement in my spirit that the King of Glory is stepping in. As I have leaned into the Lord to seek His heart concerning this, I had an encounter with the Lord where I saw the Lion of Judah positioned over the United States. He was HUGE. With each one of His paws placed on the four corners of the United States, He was covering the entire nation...
Read on and find out what the Lord is saying right now through Lana! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"United States of America - The Lion of Judah is Stepping in and Breaking Delays!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
The Roar of the Lion of Judah
Over the past few days I have been feeling a sense of urgency over the United States, and an excitement in my spirit that the King of Glory is stepping in (as I released in a previous word). As I have leaned into the Lord to seek His heart concerning this, I had an encounter with the Lord where I saw the Lion of Judah positioned over the United States. He was HUGE. With each one of His paws placed on the four corners of the United States, He was covering the entire nation.
As He was positioned over the nation, He opened His mouth and out came a LOUD roar. It was a roar of Joel 3:16: "The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the heavens will tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel."
"United States, accelerate further into your new day!" |
It was the ROAR of God releasing the FEAR of God across the nation. It was the roar of His authority that decreed: "NOTHING can stand against My power and who I am."
As this roar of the Lion of Judah was released I saw John 3:16 exploding all around declaring, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
His roar was being released, demonstrating His power and His authority; but the roar of His heart was releasing the sound of the Gospel louder than before. This was happening so that the world would know His great love and His power and a greater unlocking to prepare the nation for a MIGHTY HARVEST of souls.
Swing Wide Ancient Gates!
As I heard the Lord roar loudly, I could also hear the LAUGH of God. It was so loud it shook EVERYTHING. Nothing could stand against the roar and laugh of God. Instantly, I heard the verse declared in the spirit from Psalm 2:4: "He who sits in the heavens laughs..."
As soon as I heard this Scripture the Lord spoke to me:
"Psalm 2:4 and Psalm 24:7-9 are keys right now for the United States. NOTHING will stand against My plans and what I am decreeing and establishing within the United States. I am releasing My laugh of VICTORY over the nation. I am stepping in! I am stepping in! Decree it with Me: The King of Glory is stepping in! I am the One who will have the last laugh, for nothing stands against My plans and purposes! I am Yahweh." (Photo via Wikimedia)
I then heard the Lord roar loudly again, and this time as He roared, I heard the declaration being made in the spirit: "All delays broken! All delays broken, NOW. I decree: ACCELERATE!"
As the Lord roared over the nation, I watched as His... (continue reading)