Intro by Steve Porter:
Michael Russo is a prophetic seer who carries a deeper understanding of the hidden mysteries of the Kingdom.
I love what Michael sees about the up and coming Spirit-filled leaders when he writes:
Many who will now arise in all spheres of influence, are those who have believed they have no strong value or talent, or have believed they have failed. Though many have believed they have failed, it was actually God's success working in their lives. The Lord wore them out to the point that they could learn dependence upon Him and completely surrender. He does this so that God's people can learn the difference between their own strengths and ways, and those of God's. These are the ones who have carried measures of favor and visitation, but have been held back for God's best.
Read Michael's article with a hungry heart. You will gain much from the rich revelation within. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries
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"A Time of Birthed Destiny - You Waited for God's Best!"
Michael Russo, Rochester, NY
Just prior to my arrival in Macedonia for our international Christian leadership conferences, an angel of the Lord appeared to me in a prophetic experience. Up to this point, I had been in a year of seeking, struggling and waiting on what I had to trust was God's better direction concerning His plan over my life.
I laid down to seek rest in the Lord, and I found myself in a vision waking up in the southern European region, where an angel of the Lord appeared in the brilliance of God's light and love. As he began to speak, the atmosphere shifted into light with his words following a healing smile. In this vision, I saw leaders rising and being put into position to honor God, to bring justice and help to Israel, as well as to others around the globe.
While the angel spoke and the Holy Spirit moved over me, I noticed others around me who were obviously leaders and laity of various Christian denominations, who are predominant in the eastern and southern part of European nations, as well as the Middle East. While in the anointing of God's presence and message, the Spirit of the Lord indicated to me that God's Word was sent on behalf of what Father God had predestined for His people.
Attached to this message, delivered by the angel, was a new direction that would begin to transform my whole walk and ministry into all that has been predestined and paid for by Jesus Christ. This new ministry is not just for me, but also the people highlighted to me in the vision above, as well as others around the globe.
As God's messenger spoke, I could see that the people there were unable to fully hear or understand this visitation, though everyone could sense that something was happening. I realized I was to translate and tell them what was being said—both to those present in the vision and to anyone who reads this. I knew this would activate their faith to respond. This was one of many similar announcements to all the nations of the world that the Lord Himself is now making. (Photo via Stock Free)
A Time of Birthed Destiny - You Waited for the Best!
"In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will..." (Ephesians 1:11)
"Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified." (Romans 8:30)
Though there was a long wait for many of you, be encouraged that... (continue reading)