From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know there are many of you who carry such incredible creativity from God...some if it is so out of the box that you have felt out of place! You've put some of your creative ideas "on the shelf" and rejection has tried to hit you because of this creative gift!
But let me tell you right now...pull that gift off the shelf and let that God-given creative spirit inside of you flow out!
You will be greatly blessed by this recent word from Nate Johnston of Australia:
For many months now I keep dreaming about Kingdom creativity being birthed RIGHT NOW that will change the course of history. It has caused me to awaken, in a deeper way, to the urgency of the hour to release the NEW from the heart of God to the world...
Do yourself and others a this word and take it all in AND send it to every creative person you know. It will great bless you all! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"We Are in a Season of Unleashing Unlimited, Creative Glory!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
For many months now I keep dreaming about Kingdom creativity being birthed RIGHT NOW that will change the course of history. It has caused me to awaken, in a deeper way, to the urgency of the hour to release the NEW from the heart of God to the world. I also realized I need to shift my mindset regarding the HOW in which this creativity is going to be released. God is reinventing us all right now and causing us to come up higher in our approach to how we reach the world and personally awakening us to the fullness of our purposes.
Creative Glory That Will Change the Story
The most repetitive theme of my dreams has been around books and written resources. On at least 4 occasions I have dreamed about books from the library of Heaven being emptied on Earth to those who have been seeking His face and hungry for the more. I have even seen book themes to come by certain writers in a language that didn't make sense to me, but I knew it was the Lord releasing a depth of understanding to the mysteries of the Kingdom that these scribes were able to receive and articulate. I saw Kingdom books becoming New York Times bestsellers and outselling other well-known, secular books.
In one dream I saw a map, and the Lord was showing me guidebooks that would be wilderness manuals for those who have been in the wilderness. The anointing that is coming upon the written Word is increasing and God is entrusting it to those who can wield the pen with purity and integrity in the days ahead.
Cross the Threshold
As we crossed the threshold of 8.8.18 God highlighted a Scripture to me, "I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us." (Romans 8:18)
Many have been in a barren season, where the trials have been endless and many felt like their dreams died within them. "8" in Hebrew (Chet) represents a new era, new beginnings, a new day, and a doorway of revelation. (Chet is the symbol of the door.) We have crossed the threshold into an era of new beginnings and a new day to BRING FORTH new revelation and what is inside of of us. Like the Scripture says, "...NOTHING will compare to the magnitude of glory revealed in you" (Romans 8:18 emphasis mine)! (Photo via Unsplash)
No Longer Barren
The enemy knows we are in the beginning of a harvest and He doesn't want you and I to produce. He is scared of a generation rising that carries creative Kingdom solutions for a broken world. So he makes it his sole preoccupation to keep you barren so you don't produce. He wants you to... (continue reading)