Silencing the Accuser Recognizing and Overcoming Lies of the Enemy Free webinar replay with Sandie Freed  WOW! My LIVE broadcast on Sept 11 was so exciting. Thank you to the thousands of people who registered from around the world and for your encouraging post-webinar survey responses. Thank you to the many people who already signed up for my upcoming LIVE 4-lesson class starting Sept 26. If you missed the live broadcast, you still have time to watch the replay. But do so soon while it is available. Below is my recent invitation sent a few days ago. I hope you enjoy the message!!! Choose to BE and overcomer. Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do? Have you ever been reminded of past shame, defeat, and failure? Satan is an accuser who looks for opportunities to put you, your belief system, your character, and your responses on trial. The Accuser comes to you in at least three different ways: - To falsely accuse YOU to OTHERS
- To falsely accuse YOU to YOURSELF
- To falsely accuse GOD to YOU
On the other hand, God has a plan for your life—to PROSPER you with health, peace, prosperity, wholeness and completeness. It’s time to silence the accuser! It’s time to expose his wicked ways, shutting his mouth and quenching his fiery darts. Fortunately, God has a strategic plan for this warfare against your enemy: - Your battle isn’t fought in the way this world fights in the earthly realm.
- Your weapons are spiritual in nature, not physical.
- You are to use the full armor of God.
- Your power comes from God alone.
- God’s plan is to demolish spiritual strongholds.
You can overcome the enemy, defeat worry, put away reasoning, and choose words that will break the chains of the past! Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is! It’s time to put away old mindsets and be empowered to believe what God has said about you! During this webinar, you will learn: - How to build a hedge of protection against the Accuser, his words and his destructions.
- How to extinguish the fiery darts (words!) of the enemy.
- How to reinforce your shield of faith.
- How to respond to "friends" who falsely judge us with their religious expectations and accusations.
- How to overcome a religious spirit.
- How to defeat spirits of witchcraft as accusations.
- Knowing God as the Healer.
- How to think and speak on purpose.
- Shouting down your Jericho wall.
- And much more!
With that foundation in firmly in place, I can’t wait to share what God has been speaking to me! FREE webinar replay: "Silencing the Accuser" with Sandie Freed  BIOGRAPHY DR. SANDIE FREED co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly. Blessings to silence the accuser! Sandie Dr. Sandie Freed Founder, Sandie Freed Ministries P.S. Don't miss Sandie's message. Sign up NOW!  FREE webinar replay: "Silencing the Accuser" with Sandie Freed  |