Wow! Within minutes of waking up this morning, God downloaded to me what He wanted me to give to you, our loyal supporters for September and in this season,
AS YOUR PERSONAL WORD! Most of you will be reading this on or before the 2018 anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 — the event that forever changed the world.
Not much has been written about the focused efforts to rebuild, specifically the RUSH to rebuild, the side of the Pentagon that was struck by a plane filled with innocent souls!
It was only a couple months before the 1st anniversary of the Pentagon attack in which 125 people were killed. It was 2002, and the RUSH was on to have the Pentagon completely restored before the one-year anniversary of the attack. Completing the work within that year would SHOUT to the world that no one would be able to thwart long-term our American Defenses.
These were the early days of THE ELIJAH LIST MINISTRY. I was invited by a chaplain and worker at the Pentagon to bring a small group to tour, pray and prophesy at the Pentagon. Just five of us flew out there, and among them was my new friend, Wade Taylor who became my spiritual father, from that day forward! (Long but good story.)
They quickly ushered our group behind dangling plastic "doors" to see the almost fully restored Pentagon on the side that was hit. We walked through recently hung and painted drywall. They were definitely on track for full restoration. Not a piece of furniture had been moved in and nothing was on the walls. It was just "almost ready."

As we stood there I asked the chaplain with us, "Has any group come through here to pray over this restoration and to re-sanctify this after this horrible attack?"
"No, I don't believe there has been," he said.
"Let's do that then right now," was my response.
Please understand that I felt no goose bumps, saw no visions, and had no dramatic encounter. We simply prayed, in faith, based on this open door... as 5 Believers along with some uniformed Christian staff who toured with us. Wade Taylor was of course the Senior of all of us in both age and stature with the Lord, I believe. Before the long tour was over, we were prophesying over several uniformed people in the chapel. Amazing day.
But it was all by faith. Because God quite literally opened the door that no man was able to keep shut to us! Just before we left we were told that this group was in trouble for letting us into that newly restored Pentagon. It was supposed to be off limits to anyone from the general public.
God had another plan! And so He does WITH YOU!
HERE'S YOUR WORD OF THE LORD THAT ONLY YOU CAN INTERPRET FOR YOURSELF. Here's what God wants you to hear and do today!
Among most of you reading this — some of you, very recently — have had or seen in your life: Divorces, Addictions, Surgeries, Accidents, Abuse, Demonic Attacks, Hospital Stays and Court Lawsuits against you or against a former associate—to name a very, very few of the possibilities.
God wants to
REBUILD YOU before the next anniversary of those events comes around. He wants you fully restored and better off than before! He promised, as you recall to
"restore the years that the locusts have eaten" in your life.
The LOCUSTS here are the demonic, spiritual enemies of God's people. They were spiritual attacks that came against you but many of you, up to now, have only thought of these as human enemies who hurt you. This was the enemy's work! THIS WAS A CONCERTED, ORGANIZED, SPIRITUAL ATTACK ON YOU. It's time to forgive the human beings involved! It's time to move beyond the trauma of the past! It's time to rebuild and move on.
Ask yourself this question, just like I asked the Pentagon Chaplain that question, "Has anyone prayed to re-sanctify what happened here IN MY LIFE?" If you have not, this is your clarion call to forgive, pray that past divorces, addictions, and all we mentioned above... would
WORK TO YOUR PERSONAL GOOD. He promised it would in Romans 8:28.
Are you in a new marriage?
SANCTIFY IT IN PRAYER—even if you've had more than one divorce before. God still wants to rebuild your life!! Have you overcome or almost overcome an addiction? Ask God to restore and rebuild as that addiction comes to an end. Traumatized by accidents, abuse, surgeries and more?
Petition God to rebuild those areas in your life and CAUSE all the hurt and pain to NOW WORK TOGETHER FOR YOU—FOR YOUR GOOD!! I promise you, GOD WILL LOVE THE BEAUTIFUL RESTORATION PROCESS IN YOUR LIFE EVEN MORE THAN YOU DO. And trust me, God is not angry at you for all those mistakes. The Scripture says that His love endures forever. If this sounds like good news to you, then this letter IS FOR YOU! Take it and run with it!
Dear partners, followers and lovers of God's prophets and prophetic ministry, as always, we dearly need your help. We have put many thousands of dollars into our studio and it's now operating. There are more upgrades to be done as this is turning out to be a first-class program: ELIJAH STREAMS.
We are on Tuesdays at 1:30pm ET on the
FaithUSA channel of DISH and we are on Tuesdays at 2pm ET and Wednesdays at 4am ET starting September 4th on the
GOD TV channel of DirecTV. Here are just a few of the guests we've already had on ELIJAH STREAMS (part of ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES): Dutch Sheets, Kat Kerr, James Goll, Kent Simpson, Robert Henderson, Jennifer Eivaz, Abi and Justin Stumvoll, Garris Elkins, Jerame and Miranda Nelson, Charlie Shamp, Jesse and Amy Shamp, John Mark Pool, Chris Overstreet and more. Have I convinced you of the quality of our guests?
We need to prepare for more network visibility as God is preparing this program to go throughout the earth. Every single DIME you invest into this ministry will result in multiplied salvations and many others returning to the Lord. You will also receive rewards from the Lord for all the people your dollars cause to be ENCOURAGED through prophecies released on the earth.
Will you sit down for a moment and make your most generous gift today? Derene and I love you and we appreciate you. You would be stunned to see the tasks the Lord is putting in front of us to prepare for the Great Harvest!
Thank you again and again from Derene and me and our entire ministry staff for your help!! In Christ Together,

Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders of Elijah List Ministries | Click here to donate with PayPal. |
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Give a Monthly Gift ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES, a 501c-3 organization To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to: ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA Or Call: (541) 967-3665 |