From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This latest article by Amy Shamp will really get you thinking...about your heavenly destiny here on earth.
It's powerful and offers you insight in walking out what God has called you to...right here and right now.
Amy shares this powerful statement:
I've heard people say, "I should have been born in this time period, or this decade." But did you know that God designed you for this very hour? You were chemically engineered and designed for a purpose in this era, that only you can execute! Every day of your life has purpose. God is setting up divine appointments, Kairos moments, and timely opportunities for you in each season of your life! The question is: are we in-tune with His Spirit, so that we can recognize and discern those times and appointments?
Please read this awesome word by Amy, and let it challenge and empower you walk out all of your days here on earth as God designed just for you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"What is Written on Your Destiny Scroll?"
Amy Shamp, Nashville, TN
"What is My Purpose?"
Believers and unbelievers alike ask themselves this question: "What is my God-given purpose?" This is something we find ourselves asking often. That's because each one of us is looking for the reason we exist. There is a desire within all of us. It's this longing and need—not to discover "a" purpose, but "our" purpose. We were hard-wired with that desire when we were created by God. We all want to believe that God has specifically designed us for a reason and for a mission that only we can accomplish!
Identity = Purpose
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)
"God's Spirit gives life. He can restore the purpose that you feel that you missed!" |
Before you were even born, before you had any physical substance at all, God knew you. He knew you because you were one of His thoughts. He knew you because He created you! Because our spirits were formed out of a thought of God – created out of His spirit – we are hard-wired to react to Him. Your spirit, your traits, your attributes, and your purpose were set forth by God in the beginning. Not only that, but you were created and formed in the image of God!
"'For I know the plans that I have or you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.'" (Jeremiah 29:11)
God has good plans for your life, not plans for tragedy, hopelessness, fear or hurt! God has plans to prosper you, to accelerate you, to give you peace and happiness, to guide you into fulfillment and wholeness! When we discover who we are in Christ, we begin to find our purpose and design—our fulfillment. Not only were you created by God, but you were created for a purpose; there is a reason for your existence! That reason is to encounter the love of God, to worship Him, to fellowship with Him...and to administrate His specific design for your life here on Earth.
"The nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory; and you will be called by a new name which the mouth of the LORD will designate." (Isaiah 62:2)
Many times in the Bible, God would re-name someone in accordance with their purpose. When we aren't walking in the fullness of our identity and calling, God wants to rename us to remind us who we truly are, to launch us into a new season! God renamed Abraham and Sarah. He renamed Simon and called him Peter! He wanted Peter to know what he was truly called to do: to build the Church and to be a solid rock! Jesus was saying: "Peter, you are a pillar of strength! You are going to be a father to many. You aren't unwavering, you aren't weak; you are stronger than you think." Jesus gave him that word to sustain him in the future. (Photo via Unsplash)
You Have a Scroll—Your Destiny is Written in Heaven!
I've heard the term "history maker" used quite often. Many of us desire to leave a legacy on Earth, to make history here on Earth. But in reality, we are history makers in Heaven! Every action, every word we speak, every accomplishment and deed is written in Heaven. Not only that, but our destiny is... (continue reading)