From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most now word by Barbie Breathitt..."Taste and see that the Lord IS GOOD!"
Yes, let's be praising the Lord this week and always! He is good and His mercy endures forever.
We have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to praise Him about! No matter what we see happening around us in the world and personally, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6).
Barbie shares this awesome word of the Lord:
"Do not listen to the raging voices of chaos' threats and confusion any longer. My reviving power has come to make you alive to move you to pray and take action that will affect the generations. Breathe in My goodness, grace and blessings; let Me refresh and strengthen you. Listen for and hear only My voice. There will be no more delays. Arise and shine. Release My sound, for it is a sound of glory ringing throughout the earth. For if you will take action this will be a season of glory, restoration, increase, and power that will build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth."
Amen...let's take action as the Lord leads in seeing the Kingdom of Heaven coming to Earth! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Taste and See That the Lord is Good!"
Barbie Breathitt, North Richland Hills, TX
"Tune your hearts to listen to hear My voice giving you new directions at the strategic crossroads of life. Stand your ground. Look up and see the rustling of the mulberry tree leaves as My majestic train of glory passes by. Step into the flow of My Spirit. Reach up and take hold of My train, then hold on tight, for I will cause an acceleration, increase and multiplication that will propel you into a place of glory."
Softening the Soil to Receive My Seed
"The abundance of My rain has softened the soil to prepare a fertile womb to receive My seed. I am creating a peaceful strategy for My people to escape the chaos of Egypt. My presence will remove the spirits of infirmity, poverty and death.
"Do not listen to the raging voices of chaos' threats and confusion any longer. My reviving power has come to make you alive to move you to pray and take action that will affect the generations. Breathe in My goodness, grace and blessings; let Me refresh and strengthen you. Listen for and hear only My voice. There will be no more delays. Arise and shine. Release My sound, for it is a sound of glory ringing throughout the earth. For if you will take action this will be a season of glory, restoration, increase, and power that will build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
"Receive My healing freedom and the glorious anointings of I AM" |
"Circumcise your ears to hear My gentle voice. Look to see what the Father is doing and receive a building mantle for Kingdom advancement. Apostolic centers will continue to arise, fueled with the five-fold ministry cluster that moves in a unified anointing. Drink deep of My new wine. Learn to walk in the spirit of truth. This will equip you to expand the power and sphere of influence of the Kingdom of God.
"Stand and prophesy the power of My transformational life to the water that is within the blood vessels that stand before you. Turn the water into wine so that it courses through people's veins. Let the new wine flow in the valleys, let it arise, spring up, flowing to cover the mountaintops and let it shout aloud, 'My God reigns!' until every person has heard My salvation call. Now is the time to take your places of leadership in every earthly kingdom."
Look for the Abundance of Rain – Forgive and Set the Captives Free!
"Look to see where the eye of the storm has focused. The windows of Heaven have opened to pour out the former and latter rains together. I am pouring out of My Spirit on all flesh, for I desire a harvest of souls. The river of God will rise to your ankles, knees, and loins, until it covers your heads. Rivers will exceed their boundaries to demonstrate My goodness and overflowing abundance."
"After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth." (Hosea 6:2-3) (Photo via Unsplash)
"Forgive others of every transgression to free yourselves from the chains of captivity and weights of unforgiveness just as I have forgiven you. Forgiveness will liberate you to become a deliverer who breaks every captive's chains.
"Let the cleansing waters of My river wash over you to remove the scales and debris that have... (continue reading)