From the desk of Steve Shultz:
James Goll knows a thing or two (meaning a lot) about how to rally the troops, God's prayer warriors, with important topics of our day.
In his recent article, he shares some powerful revelations that are on the heart of God and examples of praying them through.
James exhorts the Body in this statement:
We need the Lord to strengthen His prayer warriors with confirmation and confidence in this critical hour. We need to stand in the gap before the Lord for the healing of this great land. A window is open before us right now. Will you seize the moment?
Let's seize this moment in prayer for many important decisions weighing in the balance over our nation...right now! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Prayer, the Prophetic and the Supreme Court"
James W. Goll, Franklin, TN
Much of my life and ministry have been given to the convergence of prayer and the prophetic. I have seen some amazing results, but at times I have also had to steer my way through a maze of questions and riddles. Let me give you an inside look into one of the jigsaw puzzles I have been putting together for the last year or so concerning "Prayer, the Prophetic and the Supreme Court of the United States of America."
On June 27th, 2018, I was awakened at 2:22 AM from a clear dream followed by a word from the Lord. In the dream, Judge Anthony Kennedy's face came before me and it was revealed to me that his resignation was imminent. As I was aroused from sleep, I could feel the tangible presence of destiny filling my bedroom. The external voice of the Holy Spirit then began to speak to me. I was told that President Trump would preside over the replacement of three Supreme Court Justices.
It was obvious that the first replacement had already transpired. As we know, Judge Neil Gorsuch had replaced Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, being sworn in on April 10th, 2017. That was one down, with two more yet to come according to the word I received. Amazingly, Judge Kennedy resigned later, the very same day I had the dream about it, on June 27th!
The details of the Holy Spirit are sometimes very exact and clear, and at other times they seem veiled. Hmm... I was left pondering why I woke up at 2:22 AM. Was there some significance to that time? To me it was obviously a reference to the key of David according to Isaiah 22:22—shutting doors to the past and opening doors to the future. But in my heart I divinely knew, "It has something to do with 222 days." (Photo via Unsplash)
Another Word in the Fall of 2017
On October 4th, 2017, I participated in a National Prayer phone call as part of the preparations for Awaken the Dawn, coordinated by David Bradshaw. This event was followed by Rise Up TheCall led by Lou Engle and his team on Monday, October 9th. Each of these prayer rallies took place back to back in Washington D.C. Though I was unable to attend these consecrated times of intercession in person, I prayed fervently in my home while many of my friends convened on site. The prayer call on October 4th was transcribed and posted on various ministry websites, though I only recently received a copy of it myself. Here is a portion of what was stated:
"We need to pray not just for the next 4 to 5 days, but for the 40 days afterwards are keenly significant. There could be a shift that happens in the Supreme Court of America within a 40-day period after this, if the Lord has the fullness of His will. I hear the Lord saying, 'Watch the Courts! Watch the Courts!'
"I believe that some of you are going to move into dimensions of intercession and identification that you have never known before. You are going to be overcome by travail and by weeping. Yes there will be great joy and there will be great celebrating, but there is going to be weeping. And you're going to have a Joel moment where you weep between the porch and the altar and God is calling a holy consecration.
"We are shifting by a power surge [of the Holy Spirit] to be... (continue reading)