From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We have heard time and time again just how important it is to VOTE in the midterm elections coming up just weeks away on November 6th.
I so appreciate the ministry of Robert Henderson and his powerful prayer decrees he shares with the Body of Christ.
Robert shares a potent prayer that we all can be decreeing together RIGHT NOW through the midterms in November.
Church, this is no time for complacency...please read this word by Robert and consider praying it every day through the elections as Robert suggests.
I also encourage you to get with some prayer groups and intercessors and let's join together as one over this critical time in our nation.
I'll leave you with what Robert decrees here:
Now Lord, cause a stirring in the hearts of those who agree with Your heart. Let them arise and vote in these midterm elections on November 6, 2018. We ask that all passivity would be broken and removed. We ask that hearts are freed and moved to take a stand for You and Your purposes in America. Provoke the hearts of all, including the complacent, and let them arise and vote in Jesus' name! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Prayer from the Courts of Heaven - Concerning the Midterm Elections"
Robert Henderson, Midlothian, TX
Please pray this prayer being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, pausing where you need to, as well as adding your own words from the Holy Spirit's unction. Also, I would suggest that it be prayed every day until the midterm elections.
Remember, we have a right to petition from His courts and see nations change!
Prayer for the Midterm Elections
Lord, we humbly come before Your courts of Heaven and petition You on behalf of the United States of America. As we (Americans) approach the midterm elections in our nation we are in jeopardy of Your purposes being thwarted. We come before You and ask that You would have mercy on the nation of the United States of America. We ask that there would be a sweeping election of representatives who would stand for Your agenda within the US.
We ask that from district to district, region to region and state to state those who carry Your heart, morality, ethics and desire shall be elected. We ask that President Donald J. Trump would have the men and women in Congress that are necessary to fulfill Your purpose in him and through him. We ask, Lord, that Your name would be glorified again within the United States of America and the values cherished by You would be upheld and re-established in our nation.
Not Sitting Idly by Any Longer
We realize that we have granted the devil the legal right to possess these seats in the spirit world. He has set within these seats those who will do his will. Lord, we repent for any and all our sins of commission and omission that have allowed this. Lord we repent for not praying for those who are in authority as we ought to (1 Timothy 2:1-2). We have been disobedient and have not taken our place in the spirit world seriously. Forgive us for this negligent activity. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
May we take our place in the realm of the spirit in prayer and no longer abdicate it. May we be empowered by You to pray effectively for these seats and those who are to be in them.
Lord, we repent for not being active in the political process and abdicating our rights to vote responsibly. We ask for You to forgive us and even those before us. We ask for the Blood of Jesus to speak for us and the current occupants of these seats to be removed and filled with representatives who will return to Your purposes and Your will in the earth. Lord, we ask that those who represent Your heart would sit again in these seats of government!
Forgive Our Complacency
Lord, we have made money and greed our motivation and have allowed the devil to possess these seats. We have been a people of entitlement and have voted for those who promised us the most, regardless of their world-views and policies. We repent and ask for You to forgive us. May the Blood of Jesus speak on our behalf. We repent for being selfish and self-centered and allowing it to produce our world-view.
Lord, we ask that you would deliver the culture of the United States of America from the socialist mentality that is driving it today. We ask that the heart of the culture would shift. Lord, let the powers of darkness that are fashioning the minds...(continue reading)