From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know many in the Body have really been going through it...and even feel "stalled" right now.
The enemy might be trying to feed you doubt and fear...but whatever he is trying to throw your way...the exact opposite is what God will do and His plans WILL prevail.
We are coming into some powerful times for the Kingdom of God to be displayed on the earth as never before.
Here's a little snippet of what Andy Sanders received from the Lord:
...the Lord said to me: "The Church is entering a groundbreaking year in 2019. The ground breakers will emerge. An era of fire has begun!" ...The Church is giving birth to a genuine, global awakening. This is the year of miracles! The unyielding territories you battle will be broken open.
Now, read on about this groundbreaking year that is upon us and how YOU are being called to take new ground! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Church is Entering a Groundbreaking Year"
Andy Sanders, Syracuse, NY
The Church is Entering a Groundbreaking Year
On November 1st, the Lord woke me up at 4:13 in the morning. Around 6:30 am. I started dozing off, and while coming out of a short dream, I went directly into an open vision. I saw a pastor and church celebrating a groundbreaking ceremony for a new building. Watching closely, I noticed that the pastor and church elders had shovels in their hands. Unexpectedly, little shovels appeared with the numbers "2019" written across the blades. Then the little shovels fell into the hands of children and other people in the congregation; everyone celebrated a groundbreaking year in 2019.
"The era of fire and the double-portion mantle (Elisha) has begun!" |
Here the Lord said to me: "The Church is entering a groundbreaking year in 2019. The ground breakers will emerge. An era of fire has begun!"
Completion of Unfinished Projects
Church and ministry projects that have been on hold, due to regulations and city ordinances, will break free again. I see partially-finished church properties being worked on and many getting completed this year.
The Lord says, "I am setting the records straight this year. I am revealing the entanglements that have stopped these projects from moving forward."
Some of you have put down your shovels. It's time to get them back out! (Perhaps you should make a statement this year, and place a shovel right at the front of the sanctuary as a sign that your building project is moving forward!)
Children with Hearts Ignited
Unity within the Church is the force that will break the ground in 2019. The steps of faith taken by the leaders will ignite the hearts of the children who follow. There will be many, young children and teenagers having radical dreams and life-changing divine encounters with God. Countless amounts will receive their life callings in this season. God is erasing abandonment, neglect, confusion, doubt, and fear off of this younger generation!
Sound Breakers Will Break the Sound Barriers
Church, get ready for some of the most life-changing worship moments! God is placing an uncommon worship mantle on worshipers and worship leaders this year. This will change the structure and format of how we do modern church. What I saw here was worship leaders actually getting caught up in a "vortex of worship." It was like the sound of Heaven clothing them, to help elevate the Body of Christ to break through spiritual barriers.
Stretch your faith—unfathomable worship and supernatural manifestations will take over the atmosphere as God's people worship Him. (Don't try to stop this—you can't!)
The Emergence of the Ground Breakers
Remember, God woke me up at exactly 4:13 am. During this time He led me to Acts 4:13: "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus" (NIV). Then He led me to Mark 6:30-42 where Jesus feeds the five thousand (6:30 am was around the time when I had my vision). The Church is giving birth to a genuine, global awakening. This is the year of miracles! The unyielding territories you battle will be... (continue reading)