From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I believe this recent word by Ben Lim will bring life and refreshing to your innermost being!
I am really impressed with this Millennial minister Ben Lim...who carries wisdom beyond his years!
Just read this most encouraging exhortation to the Body and it will really speak to many of you right where you're at:
So many people have just endured the greatest trials and warfares of their lives. This is because there is a great reward that is coming. So many have gone through the most grotesque and heinous attacks on their integrity and character in the last season. However, the Lord is now turning things around. The bitterness is turning sweet and you are crossing over into the Promised Land. The Lord is anointing you, not to die out in the wilderness, but to walk out and through. You will not die, but you shall live! You shall walk through and not be scathed.
Be encouraged that you have passed the test...and great is your reward! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"You Have Passed the Test!"
Ben Lim, Los Angeles, CA
The Lord began speaking to me about a week ago, saying aloud, that you have passed the test! I declare to you, Church: You have passed the test. THE TEST IS OVER.
So many people have just endured the greatest trials and warfare of their lives. This is because there is a great reward that is coming. So many have gone through the most grotesque and heinous attacks on their integrity and character in the last season. However, the Lord is now turning things around. The bitterness is turning sweet and you are crossing over into the Promised Land. The Lord is anointing you, not to die out in the wilderness, but to walk out and through. You will not die, but you shall live! You shall walk through and not be scathed.
"The Lord is distinguishing His Church with a fire that cannot be extinguished." |
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." (Isaiah 43:2)
I declare over you: The test is over! The test is over! The test is over.
Breaking the Cycles Through Submission
At the same time, I saw that we are living in the days where man-made forms and agendas will fall. But I declare over you who've been found faithful, tried and true: His voice is leading you through. You shall pass over, BREAKING THE CYCLES.
God is wanting to move us from glory to glory, but we must be willing to submit. You cannot have glory without submission. And you cannot have resurrection glory without death. You must die daily. You must die to yourself so that every single habit, thought pattern, and cycle of pride and carnality will be broken off of you in Jesus' name.
No longer will you go around and around the merry-go-round of Christianity, struggling with a certain sin and a sickness for years and decades. No longer will you struggle with broken relationships and destruction for generations. The Lord is bringing deliverance to you. The Lord is bringing healing to you in Jesus' name. The continual cycles of broken relationships, slander and gossip stop now.
Receive your healing. The curse is broken and the cycle is destroyed. Your season of wandering around and around the mountain for 40 years ends now. It is time for you to enter into the Promise Land. YOU WILL NOT DIE IN THE WILDERNESS. The wilderness is not your home, the glory of God is. The wilderness is not where you belong, the land of milk and honey is. The Lord will cause you to possess the fat of the land. The wilderness is the place where little boys are turned into men... where children are turned into spiritual giants, and slaves are turned into worshipers. (Photo via Unsplash)
Facing the Wilderness
The Lord wants you to willingly walk through the wilderness as the Spirit of the Lord led Jesus into the wilderness (Matthew 4:1). You cannot be like Jesus without facing the wilderness. You cannot have the greater glory without willingly choosing to drink of His cup of suffering. The Lord will give you His new wine, but it is possessed through the process of the pressing. The Lord is pressing the wine. You will not die in the wilderness, Church! You will not die in mist of all of the trials and tribulations. You will not be left behind in the agony of the garden. The Lord is your defender, and when you walk through the tests and trials of life, the Lord will... (continue reading)