From the desk of Steve Shultz:
WE all know that the harvest is ripe ...over the nations of the earth!
I know God is calling many of you to take Promised Lands and some of these are filled with giants. But God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Read this awesome word of the Lord by Danielle Dixon of Australia:
I heard the Lord say, "You are to command a harvest in your families, regions, cities and nations. Speak to the land and command it to yield an increase."
He went on to explain that the earth is waiting for the sons and daughters of God to come forth and to start using the dominion God gave them in the garden. Mankind is to subdue things, to rule over them. It's not OK that whole regions are under demonic strongholds and principalities. It is time to see these kingdoms fall and for powers to be dethroned. This is the time to see God's Kingdom rule in the earth.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Speak to the Land! A Season of Harvest and Reaping!"
Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
A Vision of the Harvest
Since we entered the new Hebrew year 5779 (2019) in early September, the Lord has continually spoken to me and given very clear instructions regarding this new season. As we have heard from many prophetic voices around the world, I believe this season depicts "The Harvest."
The Lord gave me a vision of this harvest. In this vision I saw the earth covered with large harvesting machines in every nation. The fields were white. I had a knowing these machines were working day and night. When I looked closer into the picture, each harvester was made up of people from every tribe, tongue and nation. It was hard to tell them apart. Everyone became one, all working together.
2019—a Season of Reaping
"The only way creation can be set free is by speaking to it." |
"Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so, the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field." (Zechariah 10:1)
We have been crying out many years for the former and latter rain, like so many of God's people covering the earth. The Lord says, "I am that rain you are crying out for, I am coming for My harvest. You are the harvesters."
"Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth." (Hosea 6:3)
The Lord spoke to me and said, "The former and latter rain have one purpose: to bring forth the harvest. Many have asked Me for this as if it were to fill a room, but this rain will not be contained in a building." Then the Lord expounded by saying, "All of creation is groaning for the sons of God to rise up and speak to the land, and command an increase."
God's DNA in the Earth
I strongly sensed that this is not a season to go back and lay the rudimentary foundations over and over, repenting for dead works. This season which the Lord has been showing me is one that is locked into a forward momentum. We can accelerate this momentum with our words. The earth's atmosphere is filled with God's DNA, charged with creative power. The earth's DNA is structured to respond to the voice of the sons and daughters of God.
A Time of Pressure and Preparation
2018 was a year of pressure and preparation, where hidden things were brought to light in our lives, ministries and nations for us to deal with in preparation of the harvest. Our Father has had many people on this journey over the past few years. The Lord released a greater dimension of understanding about the courts of Heaven to the Body at large, so we could see the things that have been blocking our blessings; so that we could repent on behalf of ourselves and our forefathers, asking the Lord to remove the legal rights satan had held.
The Father has prepared a mighty army of harvesters; mostly of unknown names. They are about to come out fighting! Those who survived adversity, schemes and strategies of the enemy for many decades—who have fought for their families, regions and nations. Although weary...(continue reading)