From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an incredible prophetic article for the Body of Christ at large.
Many of you have been waiting for the open doors God has for you...and this word by Hakeem Collins will really encourage you:
God said that what you are waiting on to open has already been opened, so get ready to walk through. He also said that 2019 is the year of the opportunity of a lifetime.
Now read on to find out more about the mega doors God is opening! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"2019: Year of the Great and Effectual Door"
Hakeem Collins, Wilmington DE
"The Great and Effectual Door"
Several weeks ago I was invited to be a guest on the Greg Davis Show. The host had given each guest speaker a key that represented something specific. While I was waiting to mount the platform, the Lord spoke to me very clearly and said to tell to His people that this coming year will be a season of the, "Great and effectual door."
"This new year will be a record-breaking season to seize the opportunity for Christ to change the world." |
I already had a message prepared to speak prophetically to the nations, but the Lord shifted the message, and suddenly a vision of a big door stood before me. On the other side of the door I saw enemies using the force of their bodies to keep the door shut and locked. The Lord told me that we were coming into a season of great opportunities which will trigger demonic opposition. He said, "The greater the opposition against My people, the greater the opportunity I will give unto them as a sign."
Instantly, the Lord took me to the Scripture that says, "For a great and effectual door is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries" (1 Corinthians 16:9). I was reminded of the apostle Paul who stood before a great and effectual door; and in that moment I found myself standing before a great door of opportunity that God entrusted me with to share on this platform. The keys that were given to the guests started to make sense to me. I began to understand that with every door of opportunity God has to give us the keys of authority, access and influence.
Keys of Authority, Access and Influence
God said that we are coming into a season where "access has been granted," because He has given us the keys to the Kingdom (Matthew 16:16-20). I love this passage of Scripture in Isaiah 22:22 (MEV) that declares, "The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder. Then he shall open, and no one shall shut. And he shall shut, and no one shall open." God said that He is going to give His people keys which will unlock unusual, unexpected, unprecedented and unhinged opportunities.
God will open doors that no man will be able to stop and shut doors that no man will be able to open and get the glory for. Paul had waited by praying for many years for that pagan-influenced city of Ephesus to open up wide for the Gospel to be preached. He finally started to get some breakthroughs and the spiritual climate of Ephesus began to change. God said that many of you have been praying, fasting and waiting on Him to fulfill your prophetic promise and destiny, but have been met with great resistance and warfare.
Counteract Demonic Resistance with Divine Persistence
Paul counteracted demonic resistance with divine persistence in prayer. He started to see his prayers answered as the Gospel message began to conquer the city of Ephesus. First Corinthians 16:8 tells us that Paul was in Ephesus at the time he wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church. He wrote, "But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost." Paul discerned the prophetic forecast of what God was doing. He knew the timing for a "rare" door had been opened to him; one that had never been opened before to anyone else in... (continue reading)