From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There is a great deal happening in the spiritual realm right now...and the enemy is trying to attack and bring warfare in many ways...but God is faithful and His glory is also being revealed and breaking through in extraordinary ways.
This is a most edifying message from Joe Joe Dawson for the next 4 months as he says:
The next 4 months of accelerated glory are actually a foundation to carry you through the next 10 months of 2019. At the end of 2017, I was so excited for 2018. As I was really getting excited for 2018, the Lord even told me then, "2018 is going to be a really good year for My children, but when 2019 gets here, it's going to be even better." Many of you have been building a foundation in 2018, but you are about to experience the glory at a greater level.
I encourage you to read thoroughly through this word and be expectant about the next 4 months of God's accelerated glory. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"4 Months of Accelerated Glory! It's Your Season to 'Go for It'!"
Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas
Recently, in a time of prayer, the Lord showed me an amazing prophetic vision about the next 4 months. The 4 months are the last 2 in 2018, and the first 2 in 2019. It's November, December, January and February. "Accelerated glory," were the words I heard. I've never in my life seen so many people, who are believing for the Kingdom of God to be manifested on the earth, moving forward at one time.
This is Your Season to "Go For It!"
"Many of you have been building a foundation in 2018, but you are about to experience the glory at a greater level." |
As I talk to different friends and ministries from all over America, every one of them is saying, "Joe, I don't fully know what is about to happen, but I've never been more excited. I've never had more things lining up for me. I've never had such an acceleration and an increase in my life, finances, health and in everything I am doing. It is like we are at the point where it is about to bust forward. It is about to break loose." So, I have been telling everybody in the ROAR Apostolic Network, "This is a season when you need to go for it! You need to throw your life into whatever God has called you to do."
Accelerated Glory
I heard the Lord say the words: "Accelerated glory." I'm talking about the true glory and the real glory. When the glory of God shows up, everything changes. Everything shifts. Transitions are made. Atheists are saved. People with infirmities are healed. Marriages are restored. It's not just that the Holy Spirit shows up; it's an accelerated glory where God comes down and the glory rests upon us.
When the glory of God comes, people cannot even minister. I know over the past few years, we've had a few services where we've had what I call, "a holy hush." I don't know what else to call it. We might have been 2, 3 or 4 hours in a service and then the glory showed up in such a way that nobody moved for 10 to 15 minutes. There was an accelerated glory. There have been times when I've been in my house by myself, working on a project or doing something, and all of a sudden, I can sense the glory of God. I will just sit down, get on my knees or lay flat on the floor. Then, the glory of God comes in. During these times I may get a vision, a revelation, or heavenly wisdom. I will feel the glory, the kabod, or the weight of God resting upon me.
My friends, over the next 4 months we are about to see this in our churches and in meetings. But the main place we will experience the accelerated glory is in our personal, private prayer time. You're gonna have moments where you feel the power, the weight, the glory of God just come in and rest upon you. During the next 4 months you're going to be able to tell people, "I spent time with God." It will not just be a regular, private prayer time. You'll be able to tell people, "I experienced the glory and the weight of God."
Sudden Solutions and Insights
As you encounter the accelerate glory, you will learn how to operate, steward and move in it. You'll be able to function with the weight of God on you. You're going to have accelerated glory in every aspect of your life. When you go to work, you can expect the glory of God to come in. Sudden solutions from Heaven will come. Sudden insights from God will be given to you. Sometimes we will have a vision, or a good thought, and we will think about it for a few weeks or months. Then we'll start working towards it. But when the accelerated glory comes... (continue reading)