From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We know that God is releasing deep and hidden mysteries to us, His chosen people, as we are a royal priesthood. In fact, His Word says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings" (Proverbs 25:2).
Katie Barker of Australia just released this awesome word about God releasing His heavenly scrolls to those who walk with Him:
The scrolls contain deeper revelation and deeper truths from the Word of God and mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Some scrolls contain revelation for the destiny of nations. Some of these I can see are very old and have been kept for this hour and season. The invitation from the Lord is a corporate one and is being extended to those who "walk with the Lord."
Katie also offers 7 key revelations explaining the deeper ways we will walk with Him. Be encouraged as one who walks with God and the revelation He is pouring out to you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Heavenly Scrolls Are Being Released to Those Who 'Walk With God'"
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
I have had the same encounter with the Lord three times over the last few months, and I now feel a liberty to release what the Lord has shown me. Each time the Lord has shown me a great heavenly vault. There is an invitation from the Lord to "come up higher" in order to have access to the vault. As I approach the vault, the golden door of the vault opens before me and inside there are many, many scrolls. I know these scrolls contain revelation for the times and seasons of God that are ahead, including God's end-time plans.
The scrolls contain deeper revelation and deeper truths from the Word of God and mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Some scrolls contain revelation for the destiny of nations. Some of these I can see are very old and have been kept for this hour and season. The invitation from the Lord is a corporate one and is being extended to those who "walk with the Lord." I believe as God's end-time plan is accelerating, a company of those who "walk with the Lord" will arise and be given access to increased revelation, which they will release to the Body of Christ on the leading of the Spirit. They will release revelation on the times and seasons of God and the strategy for advancement of the Kingdom as the Lord prepares His Bride for His return.
Daniel 9 Season
The Lord has repeatedly spoken to me about the Body of Christ being in a Daniel 9 season. By this I mean that the Lord is alerting His people to the fact that we have entered the fulfillment of time for many of the promises and prophetic words He has spoken to come to pass. In particular, this refers to regions and nations. The Lord has also shown me we are in a time of convergence where many promises will come to pass at the same time as we are in a time of acceleration of His plans and purposes. The Lord is looking for those who will awaken to the hour and partner with Him.
"It is the will of God that we learn to walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord, and such living can only be developed by faith." |
In Daniel chapter 9, we see an example of what happens when we discern the time of God, hear the Word of the Lord, and intercede for it to come to pass. Daniel read the Word of the Lord from Jeremiah the prophet and understood that there would be seventy years for the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem after which time the city would be rebuilt. As the seventy years had come, Daniel sought the Lord and interceded for Israel and the city of Jerusalem to be restored. God moved on Daniel's intercession as Daniel took hold of the Word of the Lord and interceded for it to come to pass.
In a vision the Lord showed me other people entering the heavenly vault I had seen in my encounters and certain scrolls were radiating with light and were highlighted to them. The people were selecting these scrolls from the shelves of the vault and reading them. Sometimes multiple scrolls were released to the people at one time, and I knew the Lord was showing me much revelation will be given, and He was confirming His word on convergence, where many promises and plans will be released and come to pass at one time.
Those Who Walk With the Lord Like Enoch
Enoch is the seventh generation from Adam and I believe that as we approach the seventh day in the calendar of God's plan, as God's end-time plan accelerates, a company of those who "walk with the Lord" will arise.
"...Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters" (Genesis 5:22 NKJV). The Lord revealed to me some attributes which explain those who will walk with Him.
1. They Will Walk in Partnership With God
It was always God's intention to "walk" with us meaning, an intimate relationship. In Genesis 3:8 it tells us God walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. God is looking for walking partners who will...(continue reading)