From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is sure raising up His prophetic voices from Australia. AND I appreciate that many of them have become a prophetic voice in our nation of America as well.
This is a most excellent word from Katie Barker of Australia in which she shares this for the USA:
There has been an intense attack from the enemy to bring division in the Body of Christ in America at a time when it is critical to stand united and to partner with the Lord—to see His plans and the destiny of the nation come to pass. The nation has such a rich, spiritual inheritance and the Lord is calling His people to claim the inheritance of the nation and call forth the destiny of the nation.
We are ONE Body...united together. God bless you all across the globe for standing with us and praying into God's plans and purposes for the United States! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"USA - the Eagle Has Landed! Take a United Stand"
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
This week the Lord really pressed upon me the need to intercede for the United States and I also knew the Lord had a message to release to the nation.
The Eagle Has Landed
As I was praying for the United States, I was taken into a vision where I was looking down on the nation from high above it. I then saw what looked like a huge eagle land on the nation and a heavenly voice said, "The eagle has landed." I knew the Lord was showing me that He had sent this eagle to the United States and it was a significant spiritual event and a strategic time.
I was then taken to a position in front of the eagle and I saw the eagle was actually a large, warrior angel. The phrase "the eagle has landed" was spoken by astronaut Neil Armstrong to announce the successful landing on the moon of the United States Apollo 11 module named Eagle. This same phrase was used by the Lord to show me the significance of the angelic assignment the Lord has released to the nation, and the fact it was an assignment specific to the United States.
It was announcement in the spirit of a significant angelic mission. I knew the warrior angel I had been shown was leading an army of angels to come against the schemes of the enemy and bring about God's plan.
I then saw the angel was kneeling on the ground on one knee and held a sword that he plunged into the ground in the nation. I knew this represented God's authority. The verse from Isaiah 59:19 thundered as the sword was plunged into the ground, and it was as if this verse was decreed in the spirit over the nation: "...When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him" (Isaiah 59:19 NKJV).
"The Lord is raising up those who will stand for His ways and His truth; people who walk in love and are not ruled by the fear of man but are only obedient to the leading of the Spirit." |
Then, the Lord showed me an intense spiritual battle occurring over the United States. The Lord particularly highlighted division and deception as the tactics the enemy had used in an attempt to come against God's plans for the nation.
The reason the angel was shown to me as an eagle was also because the eagle represents what the Lord is releasing to His Body in the United States at this time. The Lord is releasing spiritual sight to see the plans of the enemy and to rise above them. The eagle plunged a sword into the heart of the nation because the Lord is highlighting the fact that He is calling His people back to the truth of His Word to break deception from the enemy. The Lord is calling His people to use the sword of the Spirit to combat the lies of the enemy.
Plan of the Enemy to Bring Division
There has been an intense attack from the enemy to bring division in the Body of Christ in America at a time when it is critical to stand united and to partner with the Lord—to see His plans and the destiny of the nation come to pass. The nation has such a rich, spiritual inheritance and the Lord is calling His people to claim the inheritance of the nation and call forth the destiny of the nation.
In a vision, I was again taken above the nation and the words "UNITED States of America" were written over the nation. The word "UNITED" was in bold and was double the size of the other words. The Lord then began to speak to me and I heard Him say... (continue reading)