From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know this recent word by Nate Johnston of Australia will speak to many of you...and it's another confirmation of this being a time of birthing something new.
Just as Nate shares here:
God is birthing new MINISTRIES and MOVEMENTS between now and the end of 2018 that will be catalytic and reformational. I saw people at a crossroads but it wasn't a roadblock, it was a birthing. It was the culmination of years of surrender to the process that had brought them to a place where it was either launch out or retreat. The problem I saw was this: many are seeing the closed doors behind them and identifying this place as an "end of the road" instead of "the doorway to the new day".
I pray this word by Nate speaks to you deeply as God is birthing many new things in His Body this season. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Am Breaking Open the Womb of the Church - It's Time to Birth!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
The Eruption of New Ministries and Movements
God is birthing new MINISTRIES and MOVEMENTS between now and the end of 2018 that will be catalytic and reformational. I saw people at a crossroads but it wasn't a roadblock, it was a birthing. It was the culmination of years of surrender to the process that had brought them to a place where it was either launch out or retreat. The problem I saw was this: many are seeing the closed doors behind them and identifying this place as an "end of the road" instead of "the doorway to the new day".
Watch for Sudden Downloads
Heavenly downloads are about to come frequently and rapidly as the floodgates of Heaven open up over where you have felt stunted, because in 2019 God will launch you out onto the waters with the blueprints He has given you. This is where your theory turns into reality. You can't stay in a place of only dreaming and wishing and hoping. This is where it manifests. This is where the rubber meets the road. Watch for these sudden downloads. God is speaking in dreams and getting your attention through ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.
Alignment Shifts
God isn't ending relationships, as they are evolving. People who were your keys in past seasons wont be any longer. They will be colleagues and life friends. God is opening up a new realm of Kingdom family that will be the key to your longing and also advancement. I see handshakes taking place that will be significant for thrusting you forward, but they will be relational, not opportunistic. God wants to surround you with a people who don't just value your giftings but your heart. Watch for how He brings these people across your path!
New Wineskin Blueprints
You have noticed a certain dissatisfaction on certain activities and methods you once lived by, because God is giving you a new wine skin so He can pour out the new wine upon your life. The grace period is coming up on the old road and old ways and God has been giving you the keys to move forward. He is upgrading your grid and infrastructure for the future so you can build into something that has room to grow, not a infrastructure that has... (continue reading)