As we in America prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with our loved ones, this brief article from the Israeli news jolted me with the reality of how some in Israel are struggling.
"'The three jobs my husband and I work do not pay enough to survive. We are fighting for food and clothing,' says Yonit, a mother of five who lives in Jerusalem. Her story is the reality for the nearly 900,000 Israelis who went hungry last year, including nearly 300,000 children."
PARENTS THAT CAN'T FEED THEIR CHILDREN. This woman works three jobs and she cannot afford to feed her five children.

With many Jews from other lands returning home and with the ongoing economic impact of the constant terrorism and violence, many are suffering in Israel.
We know that God's Word tells us about His promise and covenant with this people and land. Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, begins in just a few weeks. This holiday is a remembrance of God's supernatural provision even as the people of Jerusalem were surrounded by enemies set upon their destruction.
Sadly, the situation remains much the same,
but we can make a difference! BE PART OF THE MIRACLE. The Abraham's Bread Feeding Centers are meeting those needs by providing hot meals to those in need in Israel. All citizens of Israel (Jews, Arabs, and Christians) who are suffering in poverty can receive assistance and food:
You can make a difference:
$24 - provides a hot meal for a family of 5
$72 - delivers groceries to an elderly holocaust survivor
$126 - ensures nutritious meals for a month for a new immigrant
$540 - helps to supply needed fruits and vegetables to our feeding centers In this season when many gather to fellowship and share a meal together, will you bring joy to families like Yonit and her five children?
Your gift to the Abraham's Bread Feeding Centers will give a family in need a warm meal and hope - hope that God's promise is still true. He is still the God of miracles.
Thank you for blessing Israel.
Robert Stearns
Executive Director
Eagles' Wings