From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I have really enjoyed getting to know the prophetic voices coming from Australia...I believe they have a rich heritage of their own and are dear friends to this nation.
Danielle Dixon of Queensland received this awesome revelation for Australia:
This is a time for leaping forward into the prophetic words spoken over individuals, ministries and over this great nation. This is a time of birthing the dreams, visions and promises of God given from the inception of this nation.
It really is a time of birthing many new things all across the nations of Earth. No matter where you are from...we can pray, decree and agree together for God's plans to come to pass in the nations! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Australia's Commissioning—The Great Southland is Arising!"
Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
I was watching the Awakening Australia Melbourne live on a recent weekend, and I was so overwhelmed by the amazing speakers, the worship that was next level, and the presence of God that was tangible. I was undone by the unity and oneness of heart of the Australian people.
The desperate cry of a nation asking God to align their hearts with the Father's to fulfill Heaven's mandate, to see the promises of God given to this nation manifested. I felt a positioning in the spirit was going on—the way a midwife finds the optimal position for a woman to give birth.
As I was weeping, the reality of this is actually happening; all the tears of intercession, decreeing and declaring over many decades had caused the shift we so desperately desired and are now witnessing.
On the second night as Heidi Baker was speaking, the Lord said to me clearly, "I am Commissioning Australia. I am sending Australia out into the nations. There are also others who will go to the people groups within her great shores."
Clearing for Takeoff
In a vision, I saw a large angel on the tarmac of what looked liked an international airport. He had flags in his hands and upon looking closer, I saw that they were Australian flags. He was motioning as if clearing an aircraft for takeoff from the control towers instructions. It was a continuous flow; he never took a break. No sooner had one aircraft left then another was taxing down the runway. Plane after plane was leaving our shores. Every plane was white in color with a large, red Cross painted on the side like medics. I felt the Lord say that they have been equipped to revive. They carry the oxygen of Heaven on board. (Photo via Unsplash)
Commissioning = Authority
With commissioning comes a greater authority and a new level of awareness of intimacy to the Australian Church. Also it releases the teaching gift in a greater measure.
"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.'" (Matthew 28:18–20)
This is a time for leaping forward into the prophetic words spoken over individuals, ministries and over this great nation. This is a time of birthing the dreams, visions and promises of God given from the inception of this nation.
The Great Southland is Arising
The waiting is over. The labor is finished. This is the last push needed to complete the birthing process. Australia, you are about to be a proud parent of sons and daughters ready for the harvest.
The emerging of the...(continue reading)